Thursday, April 23, 2009

Freepers come out for Civil Rights

The DoJ has requested the Supreme Court overturn longstanding precedent that keeps police from asking you questions after you lawyer up. Suddenly Freepers discover that civil liberties are more important than law and order! Who woulda thunk?

yefragetuwrabrumuy sounds like a liberal:

This is very bad news for civil rights, if Obama gets his way. People have to have some legal “shell” they can crawl into where the police cannot intimidate them, and use a vast array of coercive means to obtain incriminating statements. Note, I did not say “evidence”.

domenad focuses on what's important: attacking Obama.

Wow, I’m really quite stunned to see this. I’d expect this from Medvedev or Putin, not Obama. Hey Obama, there’s quite a few of your poorer brothers who rely on that protection not to get hustled by some cracker cop who thinks he just caught himself a big fish. You might want to think about them for a minute.

wolfcreek knows where this is headed: first they argue against the Jackson Decision, then Communism!

Communism doesn’t allow for lawyers to be present.

That’s where this is headed!

Because defense attorneys are all that stands between us and Communism.

Still Thinking thinks step two is torture of Conservatives:
If you're an American born conservative, pulling out your fingernails and drilling holes through your joints is a "prudent medical examination".
SonOfPyrodex manages to go even more ridiculous:
The first question that will now be asked is "Are you now or have you ever been a member of any party other than the Democrats?"

And then the night sticks come out.

And then the death squads.
And then the death squads? Wow.