Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu Truthers

Obama moves one way, Freepers push the other.

Man50D knows what to expect:

It wouldn’t surprise me if this is a manufactured crisis to prevent large groups, such as the tea parties, from gathering in public.

Possible reasons for faking the flu other than stopping future tea parties: Nationalize health care getting Sebillius confirmed, funding research, cap and trade, sweeping away all the bad press for the Democrats, a power grab by the "internationalist cabal.

Polarik may have read a bit too much into "The Stand."
THEY NEED TO CALL IT WHAT IT IS: A genetically-engineered retrovirus or RNA virus that was created in a lab by combining human influenza, avian flu, and swine flu.
exnavy is too worried to make sense:
This flu thing is way beyond global.
Doubt the military taking over the streets soon.
If you see any uniformed, blue helmeted troops be sure to sound the alarm.
To borrow Thane_Banquo's snark, you mean it's gone intergalactic?

Rightly Biased goes for the funny, but fails epically:

Actually he will prolly handle this just like he handled the pirates.

He will just tax those that catch the flu.

Obama taxed the pirates?


  1. I was watching the Daily Show last night, and Jon Stewart was talking about all the bad things that could happen with the swine flu... like nationalized health care, confirming Sibelius, blah blah blah. I fail to see a down side. The swine flu isn't as bad as the Fox666 News wants us to think it is, but if people get freaked out enough to demand national health care... what's the problem? I would like my $1000 tax bill (from last year) to go toward something that benefits me. Like health care.

  2. Eventually, this practice of always taking the opposite side of anything Obama says or does is going to cause long-term brain damage to the right-wingers. On the other hand, you really can't damage something that never existed in the first place.

  3. euphgeek -

    Don't worry too much about the Freepers. They have a remarkably powerful Cognitive Dissonance defense mechanism.
