Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday Potpourri

MeganC's version of reality is pretty exciting:
History may well revere Snowden as a martyr of the second American Civil War.
I wish Venturer would elaborate, but alas he does not:
Goody two-shoes liberals caused the Civil War. The same Goody Two-shoes white guilt liberal azz- wipes Obama voting idiots who will cause the next one.
The Sons of Liberty's Civil War is weirdly reversed:
Abolitionists = Liberals

They're itching for a repeat.

BTW I've often wondered why the South didn't make a concerted effort to kill Lincoln, either before he took office, or early in the war. The North would've been left rudderless and most likely would've sued for peace.
Patriot Babe foudn a way to blame Obama for those firefighters who died fighting that forest fire in Arizona:
The POS is over taking his world vacation while Arizona burns and 19 firefighter perish. Grrrrrrr
DJ Frisat finds Obama's coloquialism proof of idiocy:
Everybody has got ... everybody has got ... everybody has got

Thank you! I can't believe it took 170+ comments before someone pointed this out. Three times he said it! If I’d said it once, my THIRD GRADE English teacher would've busted my chops, big time!

Ever notice his chronic misuse of articles? For example: ‘We have a opportunity...’ He does this frequently.

I'll bet he had to practice for 3 years before he could remember to say ‘ask’ instead of ‘axe’...

This is truly the least-intelligent President of my lifetime.
IbJensen is perplexed by the lack of American anti-Muslim violence:
You’d think a few of the infestation of imams in America would get kicked around once in a while.
Logical me knows what Obama's most villainous trait is:

A communists BLACK Muslim wanna be dictator.
albie thinks all Americans are racist black stereotypes:
Americans “waking up” would require exposure to what life could be like had they earned more or “earned” at all. Instead, the bar is so low that being able to sleep in, buy a bucket of chicken, a pack of KOOLS and a “40” represents the good life. It doesn’t get any better so what’s not to like?
jsanders2001 contains multitudes - envy AND bigotry against the Egyptians!
0 must be so sad today that the Egyptians saw through his evil plans and ousted their Muslim Brotherhood overlords. Now we just need to do the same. Seems the MB started overtaxing and raising the prices of everything so that the Egyptian people ouldnt afford to live but according to our media all you will hear that they raised the prices and taxes on were alcohol and other “sin tax” items which is obviously intended to make them look bad. Add to that killing of innocents and raping them too. The religion of piece my a$$...
Rome2000 thinks World War 2 was really unneeded:
It's great that FDR led effectively in WWII, considering that he was a socialist war monger who provoked the Japs into attacking Pearl Harbor by conducting economic warfare aiding the Chinese and British in a war we had no business in.

All of that death and destruction for what?

We are all chummy now with the Germans and the Japs, and thousands of Americans died for nothing.

Unlike the ragheads, who we will never be friendly with unless we westernize them by force, I'm not a big fan of getting peoples kids killed in a fight with an enemy that we are allied with soon after.
stanne knows Pregnancy ain't no big deal...
It is a medical fact, though one the pro abort AMA could do a whole lot better at explaining to people, that pregnancy is the normal and healthy state of the uterus. It is its function.

The disease these people try but fail to treat is self indulgence and addiction, because they fail to see the true condition they want to treat.

Natural law prevails, and they know that abortion is not the answer. Their remedy to facing this is anger and hostility.

But pregnancy is not a disease. The whole thing can and used to be managed at home.
I wonder to what quote Gaffer is referring:
Obama wants these murdering monkeys in charge in every mid-Eastern country first, Western and European countries next. He said it in his own words.
CMB_polarization will never let making sense get in the way of a rhyme!
Kerry sailed, Africa failed.


  1. So DJ Frisat was born after January 20, 2009? That's the only explanation I can come up with. Otherwise, he would have remembered GWB mangling the English language on a regular basis.

  2. FR has been taken over by stormfront..on the FR facebook page I was looking at some of the people's pics (who are members of the FR page)and one guy was a skinhead in front of the confederate flag and another flag was the German flag circa 1930s'...

    I would love to post his name and pic but not sure what legally I can do..would love to know who he is on FR

    1. I remember a few years back that the Stormfronters were discussing recruiting at FR. Looks like they succeeded.
      It's been exacerbated by JimRob banning a great many original members and his need for more moolah.

      I don't think there's any legal problems with posting his name and pic.

    2. No there is no legal issue since the guy put his photo in a public space. Since the page and his picture aren't private, you can post it if you wish. Besides, there are a lot of stories in the Internet these days of private conversations in emails and facebook posts/tweets being shown to the public and the poster getting in trouble for it.

  3. wardaddy

    Check out this post from "wardaddy". He isn't even hiding his racism anymore and called a Japanese American writer a "Nip" and a "Son of Bataan prick" just because the guy talked about racism among White Americans.

  4. jsanders2001 makes Obama sound like some kind of weird moustache twirling villain. "Curses! Foiled again! No matter, I shall have my revenge and then all shall bow before me and my evil black communist facist Islamic minions!" Insert maniacal laugh here.

    May be it's the use of the word 'overlord'. I really can't see that word without thinking of the Simpsons.
