Friday, October 3, 2014

Spotlight Friday: FreedomStar3028

A younger breed of Freeper, I think. He makes some contemporary references, signed up in early 2013, and is pro-pot legalization. He also does not post that often, as though he kind of has a life.

For what it's worth, it seems to me that he also couches more than usual of his awful opinions as "in my opinion" or "I want."

But his opinions are awful. Mostly hating on Muslims and blacks (and explaining that blacks are probably Muslims), and indulging in the increasingly common conspiracy paranoia. Though even his paranoia is already beginning to focus on post-Obama events.

His breaks from orthodoxy are the aforementioned pot support and his love of Bush.

The hubris of Neil deGrasse Tyson, to believe in science:
Fake science is fake science. I love how this guy is so certain about how the universe works. It sickens me. Instead of saying “This is probably how this works”, he and many others say “THIS IS HOW IT WORKS AND ANYONE WHO SAYS OTHERWISE WITH GREAT EVIDENCE AND RESEARCH IS WRONG”.

The arrogance of men like neil degrasse tyson sickens me. So certain they are of their conclusions, they can’t be wrong. It’s just like it’s always been though. Galileo and Newton. Shunned, exiled, persecuted because they dare challenge the majority and their arrogance.

Anytime I hear a scientist say “without a doubt, this is how x works” I just chuckle to myself and think *you don’t know shit*. We don’t even know why mass causes gravity. Or why my table and all the particles in it stay together. Fools, all of them.
Hating on another Freeper for respecting a transgender woman's intellect:
The creator of the ARM is Sophie Wilson... formerly Steve Wilson.

Sophie is not a striking physical beauty but she certainly has a beautiful mind!

If twisted, demented, disgusting, and sick is what you like. Then yes. I guess you could call that beautiful.

I find your comment very sickening, and disgusting. Just FYI.
Some telling analysis of IQ versus social skills:
The IQ test is flawed anyways, at least I have always thought so. I was given a comprehensive IQ test when I was 9, and scored 132. But I’m not very socially intelligent, and I tend to speak before I think which are foolish qualities for someone as smart as people say I am. Some of my friends are really politically and technically idiotic. But they flourish socially. The IQ test merely quantifies your ability to absorb knowledge and learn. It has nothing to do with experience, knowledge, vision, ambition, or motivation. Which all factor into the end result. We get people like Kerry with a slightly above average IQ who have a twisted vision, motivation, no experience, and no knowledge. So his learning comes in and faced with facts his ambitions destroy what should be common sense.

A foolish man to be sure. Out of touch with those he is sworn to serve. We need a reset on American government. Liberals, republicans, progressives, conservatives, fags, Christians, muslims, minorities and everyone else need to realize that the American government has a problem which only we united can solve. It has become detached with the real world, living distant from the populace, causing us to suffer. Much like the British government before the American Revolution.
Coexist, fags!

Genocidal collective guilt will show Muslims what for!
For every non muslim slain by a muslim, innocent or otherwise. We slay 10,000. I don’t care if they are innocent or not. I really don’t, does that make me a terrible person?
Why no modern crusade, Pope?
The only ties between muslims and Christians are the ones used to immobilize Christian hands behind their backs while the muslims saw off said Christian head with a knife.

A month ago this Pope was nearly calling for modern Crusades. Now this? I’m disappointed. I was hoping for Crusades.
Obama's obvious plan:
It’s obvious that Obama wants to destabilize, probably to bring about a caliphate.
He's inspired that Marines have the self-control not to shoot Obama:
Even the best of the best have their breaking point. I certainly wouldn’t feel safe walking past those two Americans knowing what Obama knows. Look at it, it’s a walk of shame for Obama every time. He knows, they know. But they still show their class. An inspiration.
Bellicose black man? Totally Muslim.
Black Panther. For sure. Dig this muslims background up. I guarantee you will find Black Panther ties.

Oh, he’s for sure a muslim too. Betcha anything.
Dig this Muslim's background up!

Coke and Pepsi sign up for new calorie-reduction pledge??
Bye Bye Coke and Pepsi profits. Never thought I would have to boycott Coke and Pepsi, oh Babylon how the mighty have fallen.
Soon, the birthers will triumph!
We can get him impeached once we take the senate, there is also a massive revelation brewing regarding the origin of Obama and the birth certificate. I don’t know much but I’m assuming we’ll soon find out who groomed Obama, who backed him, and what they did it for. It won’t be pretty, it will be something no one could have fathomed.

Obama is THE Manchurian President.
What makes Obama so Manchurian:
They needed a black, gay president to be elected. That way they could do ANYTHING with no repercussions.
Some paranoid ravings:
The reason police have been getting a lot of hate from the government and media is because Obama and Holder first have to discredit the police in the eyes of the black community, and white community. Once that is complete and the police have been vilified by the left, you’ll start hearing about a national police force. Which will be made up mostly of black racists. They will kill 2 birds with one stone: A police force loyal to the President, and tons of “jobs” for unemployed blacks(which will be why the media and all leftists will praise this solution). Then they will take the guns.

Look for more “false flag” type attacks on police. Michael Brown had said on his facebook a day or so before he died something implying that he would be viewed as a martyr.

It may not be Obama that does it, but they are paving the way for someone much much worse. We haven’t seen nothing yet, that is why it is very important to stop the left now. Get conservatives into media positions, education positions, and government now. If it’s still possible. But I don’t think it is. I think we have passed the point of no return.
Thinking outside the box re: Ebola management
It might actually be a good idea if it crops up to purposefully infect yourself and immediately go to the hospital. That way, you get treated before hospitals are overloaded, and likely survive. But you won’t be in the hospital when they are setting up tents outside.

That or either don’t go outside until it has burnt through the population. So I hope you have lots of food, water, and ammo.
How to tell a good guy from a bad guy:
The part where the author says you don’t know how to discern a good guy from a bad guy is laughable. The bad guy will be shooting at you. Morons. They act like guns are poisonous snakes.
Wait, doesn't that show mock conservatives?
It’s like the American Dad episode. “The Best Christmas story never Told”.
Suddenly, carefully phrased sanity:
I honestly would rather have alcohol be illegal, and marijuana be legal. I don’t understand the hate. I know tons of functional drunks that do stupid things all the time, I know tons of potheads that go to work everyday, pay their bills and don’t get obnoxious or violent or kill people when they wreck their cars.

It isn’t morally superior to any other industry, every industry has corruption. But I would say marijuana is superior to other drugs compared to what drugs do to people. In some cases, I agree it is a gateway drug. But a lot of the time it isn’t. So whatever. Legalize it. Tax it. Let the stoners do what they want.
Too many Americans can vote these days:
First thing we need to do with our majority, and Presidency. Is make new voting laws. I honestly don’t believe everyone should have a voice. People are too stupid to be trusted to vote. There should be a test on American government.
How to end Obamacare.
Why doesn’t the house just say, “okay guys, let’s get rid of Obamacare and go to single-payer”, after Obamacare is gone, vote no on single - payer and kill this exercise in freebies once and for all.
Trendy faggy Starbucks!
Uhm. There’s a problem when our highest level of national security and intelligence gathering has a trendy faggy starbucks in the building.
Loves Bush.
No matter what you say to me. I know in my heart that Bush did his best. He is a good man. I was proud to call him my President. He was a good President, and I think you are brainwashed.
Really loves Bush:
Bush II has more brains than all of our current administration combined. He has more class than all of congress combined, his wife has more class on her big toenail than Mooooochelle has in her entire body(that’s a HUGE body too). Bush was better at foreign policy, domestic policy, and golf. He has so much class we haven’t heard a word from him for 6 years, it took Cheney 4 to say a word. Watch who you call stupid. Guarantee you once Obama leaves the WH we will hear from him on a weekly basis.

Watch who you call stupid. Bush is a good man, decent, honest, charming, and a class act. You don’t have those qualities by being stupid.
Bonus Michelle fatness BS.

The Internet is creating too much understanding!
It does seem like there is not much trust in government anywhere in the world today. I believe it’s because of the connectivity the world has. Everyone is on the same wave length. Which will ultimately lead to a world government. When I can communicate with a Japanese man who doesn’t speak English, I don’t speak Japanese, and have a coherent conversation. We are in trouble. Just like Babylon.
If only Obama would show everyone he's as crazy as Freepers imagine him to be:
I hope he loses it and starts yelling and screaming and blaming the “peasants”. I hope he screams “Allahu Akbar” and calls all Americans a bunch of whining losers.

I hope that he makes such a jackass out of himself in front of the world that even the secret service will turn their backs as the mob drags him to prison.
Laying the groundwork for post-Obama paranoia:
The next POTUS will be a muslim sympathizer. He or she will be a traitor. We have been infiltrated to the highest levels of our government and there is no going back through political means.
They won’t even understand when they are marched to the gallows. Someday soon, a reckoning will come. Societies never survive with delusional minds in charge. It’s a fact, and has been going on throughout human history. There will be a purge. People like those that make up the ACLU will not survive, or change, or get it.

These people will pay, I am sure of it. Our country and the world are headed for a tipping point. It will not be pretty. But the weak minded delusional freaks will be weeded out of the gene pool. Guaranteed.


  1. Anyone notice geronl is not posting anything anti sex, hedonism, young kids, kiddie porn, naked children and the like and pretty much staying off those threads which deals with the subject? What's up with that? Did someone-powers to be tell him to cool it?

  2. I have some theories ...

    a) Heavy into video games, especially those with post-apocalyptic themes.
    b) Yes, probably not that old (perhaps a child of a current or past freeper), and GW Bush was the first president that he really remembers.
    c) Intelligent, but lost out being named valedictorian because of that one 'B' in shop class ... will forever be bitter about that.
    d) Has always had a difficult time socially ... defensively considers everyone else to be "stupid" as a coping mechanism.

    1. There's no way he could be as intelligent as he says and make so many punctuation errors. It's as if he doesn't understand when he needs a comma and a period. His sentence fragmenting is dubious. I suspect he's not very smart: possibly a associate degree-holder?

    2. There's plenty of idiots with 4-year degrees - they're called Business Majors (rimshot).

      I think it's more dunning kruger effect than anything else. He's delusional and think he's smarter than his peers.

  3. "The arrogance of men like neil degrasse tyson sickens me. So certain they are of their conclusions, they can’t be wrong. It’s just like it’s always been though. Galileo and Newton. Shunned, exiled, persecuted because they dare challenge the majority and their arrogance."

    Does he even understand the term "contradiction"?

    1. Good catch. It's as if he ALMOST understands. But then his thinking goes all to hell

  4. Is Starbucks really still considered "trendy"?

  5. By the way -- I just wanted to thank you for the "Coexist, fags!" because that is the pithiest put-down I have read in a long time, and I have been laughing all day. I really needed that.
