Obama is not going to try to go back to the moon. Still going to Mars, though. A few Freepers actually seem to disagree. Most of the just yell
Scotsman will be Free on how space exploration is totally Conservative:
Libs have always hated space exploration. They always whined about solving earth’s problems first before venturing into space(in otherwords, never)The other reason is that they hate the U.S. and our greatness. A successful space program is one indicator of greatness.
Kakaze has a deeper reason why libs have conspired to stall our space exploration
Libs and progressive republicans hate the idea of space and colonies. It is all about control,just imagine a human race turned loose in the solar system..........they will be out of arms reach and rich, gov't will not own them, they will have the high ground.
Colonies, with unlimited resources, become super powers.
This is the real reason, they want us trapped in this gravity well, control, low earth orbit and false promises of break through exploration will only work so long.
nolongerademocrat goes into deeper crazy conspiracy territory:
I call BS, the people at ATS say we’ve been going to MARS for many years now - secret projects dontcha know. This could be yet another case of Obama taking credit for something he didn’t do - he’s a gifted thief.
onedoug needs to examine what "executive agency" means:
autumnraine has an awesome digression about how he's come to hate liberals:
Reading a friend’s blog (he’s super smart, I mean like super genius smart and fairly famous for his space articles on Discovery Channel, but he is drunk on Obama koolaid) yesterday and all he could say was “It’s so nice to listen to President and not be embarrassed by his speaking.”
Yeah, so he can be horrible to the space industry, just as long as he pronounces “nuclear” properly.
This is what is so weird to me. I’ve never cared who voted for whom. Ever. Friends and I disagreed and that was no big deal. However with Obama I’m finding either you have lost your mind delusionally in love with him and he can do no wrong, or you hate him and are convinced he is a treasonous traitor. No in between. Now I find myself in the treasonous traitor catagory, but feel my logic is rational. I’m sure the koolaid drinkers feel the same.
There are times when I not only understand how the Germans felt in the build up to WWII, but also how America felt in the build up to the Civil War. And how friend, neighbor and family could be on two sides of an issue so strongly.
When you think everyone else is crazy, it's totally them, not you:
ClearCase_guy relates some totally real conversations he's had:
I've had conversations with people where I say, "I feel bad for the people who are out of work." And their response is basically: "YOU STUPID REPUBLICANS HATE PRESIDENT OBAMA BECAUSE HE'S BLACK! AT LEAST HE'S NOT AN IDIOT LIKE YOUR FRIEND BUSH! HE STOLE THE ELECTION, YOU KNOW!"
Civil discourse is gone.
Indeed, when all your conversations are with straw men, discourse does indeed suffer.