Now that Hillary seems well and truly out of the picture, Pelosi takes over as the some kind of vampire beast.

"Words had to change their ordinary meaning and to take that which was now given them. Reckless audacity came to be considered the courage of a loyal ally; prudent hesitation, specious cowardice; moderation was held to be a cloak for unmanliness; ability to see all sides of a question, inaptness to act on any. Frantic violence became the attribute of manliness" -Thucydides
But really now, John McCain just knocked Obamas’ d**k in the dirt.
Whoa! She’s a BABE! First we have Cindy McCain. Very Nice Now we have the
BABE! I am HAPPY! Hot DOGGIE! There are going to be more than one web site
crashing with very happy boys!
FINALLY! We’re going to see some REAL CHANGE in Washington! A “game-changer!” An
My husband the environmentalist nut is furious over the possiblity of
Sarah Palin as VP. “She is worse than Cheney on the enviorment”, he spat out.
“She’s a hunter and a killer of animals.” He isn’t going to vote for McCain
blah, blah, blah.
Sounds like your husband is gay.
I used to be voting against Obama the Marxist
I am now voting for Sarah, McCain is just the opening act
FEMA is meeting with the RNC AS WELL as the White House over his speech.It would not look good at all if there is a catastrophe taking place and
Republicans are seen partying in the twin cities at the same time.
I hope they delay it.
the Convention will be about as well covered as the Westminster Dog Show. It will be Hurricane Central, 24/7 and all the poor poor peeples who couldn’t even afford bottled water who had been kicked into the gutter by those evil Republicans. (Again)
Just do the speeches and whatever else right from the storm area....would make for great TV, dramatic viewing...and a very huge audience. McCain and his veep in shirtsleeves passing out relief supplies and making speeches for a few days! McCain, the veep, and Jindal of course :-)
New Orleans has become our own Sodom and Gomorrah. There is no wonder it
has a bulls eye on it’s forehead.
Though not overweight, she has a very strange shape.
She’s a freaking weeble.
First. The orange is the color adopted by the PUMAs.
Second. Note she ended her speech with how much she loved America.
Take that michelle.
The adoring faces of “her” supporters by the millions do not satisfy her.
Because the Love of God is what we all need, including the Clintons, and nothing else in this world will suffice. The sad fact is that God is ready and willing to love us, and to comfort us, if only we will simply ASK Him and take it from there with Him. - Lord, help all of us to do that.
Noticed she didn’t say “as a proud mother and wife”, but perhaps she just isn’t a proud wife.
I thought that was a glaring omission as well! In fact, I don't think she mentioned Bill once, did she? Considering he's her husband AND a past president, you would think he has some kind of relevance.
Anyone else notice that Michelle didn't Thank her Mom in her speech?
Didn't hear any of the pundits comment on this last night.
All it would have taken was six words, Thank You Mom, I Love You.
Opportunity of a lifetime to honor the person who raised and cared for you, gave you a great video intro, and you missed it.
Shame on you Michelle.
She looked low-key, nice smile (though her teeth are too big for her mouth), reticent, first-ladyish, avoided the ebonics... her appearance was just what they’ve been wanting it to be. But she continually shook her head while she talked, which has the effect of negating everything she was saying.
I think it must have been really difficult for her to get up there and do a dog and pony for whitey like that. Very difficult.
Michelle having a nice figure is one thing. But am I the only one who thinks the clingy cocktail dress is inappropriate and hoochie-mama-ish for the occasion?
This event is to officially choose the dem candidate for President. She could be the next first lady. Its not a cocktail party.
For me it shows a continued lack of respect for this country and its traditions.
How unamerican!
But my favorite tactic of all is DooDahhhh:
You are admirable for listening to this tripe. I turn the tv off when her or his mugs appear. I have had enough already.
The reality! It buuurns!
Hired by satan’s son for sympathy... lies and lies and lies. I think that these guys have been out of work since Hee Haw went off the air.
This has the stench of a very convenient and stereotyped setup. It's almost as if it were a scene from a movie.
What better way to boost B. Hussein Obama's liberal, victimized status and slam stereotypical "conservatives" with the race 2x4 at the same time?I'm very skeptical.
Either the reporter or the "perpetrator" or both are stupid. Even Lee Harvey Oswald couldn't make that shot.
Neville had expectations for Adolph also.
Scarier and scarier. I want her to go away,, not hold her academy award speech re party unity - Hah. In a pig's eye - no pun intended.
Wait — if the lawsuit re The One's birth certificate sees more day light before Wednesday - she may be THE nominee.
Releasing delegates doesn’t mean anything. IMHO Obama will not accept the nomination. He is going to hear the word from God that it isn’t his time yet and tell his delegates to vote for Hillary.
After showing her good will in releasing her delegates, the vote will commence and she will receive the nomination. Courtesy of Obama. She will then select Obama as her VP.And the world will rejoice. And the media will go nuts. And Obama will be revered. And history will be made. And Clinton will play every McCain commercial that praised her. And her debt will be paid off.
Shrill has never been one of my favorite people but I grew to respect her over the course of the primaries. I could be wrong but I just don't see her rolling over for Obama so easy.
I do think she and Bill - along with their tabloid owner friend, Roger Altman - took down John Edwards. I almost admire them for that. :DWow. Hillary or Soros...who has more unrealistic political power in Freeper's mind?
In a time of war, the Democrats have picked a ticket with no military experience. Almost unheard of.
In a time of economic concern, the Democrats have picked a ticket which is further Left than Bernie Sanders -- the only self-declared Socialist in the US Senate.
It's a recipe for a massive GOP win.
Thanks God they never learn!
A Obama-Hillary ticket would have been hard to beat.
Biden's chief qualification: he won't Arkancide his boss!"
As soon as Vice President Biden realized he would get more face time with the cameras as President than as VP, Obama would have a Ft. Marcy Park vacation. Don't get between Joe Biden and a camera.
A weak economy - By most historical economic measures-Disagree vehemently.
A surge in Democratic voter registration - More voter fraud.
An unpopular Republican president - Yeah, sure. Per the LeftPropagandaPolls
A sour public mood - Who says? Watch the media spin on the “public mood” change if the messiah is elected.
A desire for political change - More leftist mythology.
WSJ = Just another leftist rag.Bush is secretly popular? Can't top that. I'm out till later today, folks!
You might say "he" has a "split" personality...
What’s amazing is that the gay community wants to be fully accepted by America, YET, they continue to self segregate themselves as Gay-Host, Gay Teacher, Gay Presidential Candidate, etc. Why can’t Rachel Maddow be a TV host. Oh yeah, it would undercut her identity politics that she has used to get the gig.
When her show gets axed because of poor ratings she will blame it on the
homophobia of Americans. It will have nothing to do with liberal dribble.
Err America is POPULAR? How many listeners do they have? 500? Err America is s[o] "popular" that they can't even get liberals to buy advertising time so they rely
on the likes of George Soros to PAY to keep the show on the air!
LOL! I also thought it was hilarious to see the reaction on my mom's face when I told her Anderson Cooper was gay. She said "But... But... He's got a girlfriend!", and I said "Yeah, so did Rock Hudson. He had a bunch of them."
Tom Cruise is gay. John Travolta too.
We need babies from those who appreciate our Western ideals. If white
Westerners (those who established and preserved Western culture) are going to
survive, we especially need white babies.
The US has lost 50 million to abortion in the last 30 years.
We’ve gained about 15 million illegals.
We’re still short 35 million from our possible population.
All other considerations aside (not that they are not important, but to lay them aside for a moment), think what35 million less consumers, taxpayers, students, etc. has meant.
And what 35 million less people to pay into social security will mean for the baby boom generation when they retire.
That’s called, “demographics”.
We need to clamp down on all immigration, legal and illegal, get back to assimilation and defending our culture, and increasing the population rate of native Americans who are American by cultural identification, not merely birthright citizenship.
I personally think this 90-lb weakling bringing in a woman is going to make this icket a disaster. Do we really need a mob boss/union thug President teamed up with a woman while Russia, China, Iran, Syria, and others wish to destroy us with force?
Obama is going after the white woman just like his daddy.
She's a rabid pro-abort. To her, a day without an abortion is like a day without
even most “pro-choice” people would be disgusted by the idea of chasing a live baby around the delivery room to kill it.Chasing around the delivery room? WTF? Some kind of super baby, perhaps?
I can spot a home schooled kid a mile away. Of course I have four, but
still it is not hard to spot them.
Inappropriate material found its way into my private high school as well. Keep your eyes open, especially in English Lit classes. Catcher in the Rye, books by Toni Morrison and Kurt Vonnegut are standard fare even in the private schools. Having read all this stuff myself as an adult, I can't imagine why anyone would think inflicting it on a teenager is a good idea.Also, I pray they don't have a sex ed/encouragement program...
We did buy her a safe used car so she could drive to & from school and work, but other than that, she’s paid her own way the whole time. (Not that I’m beaming with pride or anything.)
I believe her education will mean much more to her if she pays for it herself. So far, she’s proving me correct.
Anyone who intentionally isolates himself and his family from the influences of
society is despised by that society. Noah was a good example of this.
We spend six hours an evening with the children, after school.
**You** are already homeschooling. The school is merely sending home the curriculum....Honestly,...My kids rarely spent more than 2 to 3 ( rarely) hours a day on formal homeschooling. Homeschooling is very efficient.
Oh, this is so much more familiar and dramatic than warring with those numbskull ragheads. Some have said—distracting. If China acts up, the US will begin to discuss its weakness.
A propos of this story, I was listening last night on shortwave (9860 kHz @ 0215 UTC) to the English-language service of the Voice of Russia. The anti-American tirade sounded almost exactly like Radio Moscow in the 1950's, even down to the pitch of the announcer's voice!
“Cheney lied and Russians died!” No doubt the Russians and the American left really aren’t all that different in their ultimate hopes and dreams. Even their rhetoric displays the same insane paranoia, as if lifted right out of DU or Huffpost.
Yeah, Americans totally hated Von Braun and Heisenberg![I]n my book, very few politicians are really pro-life. I can’t think of any “pro-life” politician—other than maybe Henry Hyde or Rick Santorum—who has never
uttered the words, “There are good people on both sides of this issue.”Can you imagine any American ever saying, about Auschwitz or Dachau, “There are good people on both sides of this issue.”
Well, Bully for you..if you can sleep at night knowing that our men and women in uniform have to salute a President Barak Hussein Obama partly because of your PROTEST vote, then by all means go for it.
[the MSM] tried and failed to paint him as a dangerous, deluded, maniacal
war monger, so they’re going to pull out the 2006 playbook and promote division
and infighting among conservatives.
“He should just get it over with and pick Hillary.”
Too funny. She announces at the Dem Convention she is McCain’s running mate. What a slap down to BO and the dems that dissed her.
Posterity totally counts aborted babies. That's not circular logic at all!The Constitution tells us what its purposes are. The culminating clause is
"to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves AND OUR POSTERITY."...[The President] has sworn to protect the unborn, just as have the members of the
other two co-equal branches of government.
Personally, I’d much rather suffer a brain tumor than be one of those kinds of
I must confess, I have similar wishes for them. I wish they'd drop dead.I don't claim to possess any higher moral ground, I simply consider this a war and
them the enemy.I don't want to "agree to disagree" with the enemy. They are the destroyers of the only culture that ever lived the concepts of rugged individualism and self-government.
Look at the rest of the world. It's mostly Marxist, and what's not Marxist is Muslim. I am not willing to split the last free country with them. I'd happily deport them all to I-don't-care-where, but if they all just fell down dead, know what I'd do? Grab a shovel. I'd be whistling-n-digging. Whistling-n-digging.
Personally, I’d rather give them a 200 grain hollow point brain tumor.
They are the enemies of the constitution and if they all dropped dead today this country would be the better for it and the constitution would be safer and stronger.
I am watching the Oilimpics.... but with the sound off so I can’t hear the pro-communism spin from the comentators. It’s nauseating. I’m waiting for one to commit ritualistic suicide for the noble chinese people
Something like that would never happen in the United States . . . /sarc
I think the little girl who actually sang is much cuter! So THERE! ;-)
I guess Rosanne was booked that evening?
The Chinese are LIARS!! Yang Peiyi is cute, yes not as cute as Lin Mako, but
typical BS from the Chinese! (Isn’t Dental Care part of their FREE health Care??
Yang Peiyi should have had DENTAL WORK - paid by the citizens!)
The genocidal fascist Russian regime must be destroyed!
Death to Putin!
I’m going to send email and snail mail letters of support to the Georgian embassy here in the US and also to any newspapers I can find in Georgia.
Death to Putin.Death to Serbia.
Czar Putin. The new czar, same as the old czars...
Like I said on another thread, if I were the President of the United STATES, I would look for ways to get other former Soviet Republics involved in the conflict, even airlifting their troops into Georgia, all on the courtesy of the US Air Force.
Bush really blew it when he put Muzzie Khalilzad in the UN-—HELP-—John Bolton!
The FBI needed a white male who wasn't a Muslim to be the culprit. Ivins fit the bill. Now that he's dead, he can't prove his innocence.
Maybe he was guilty, but after Richard Jewell and Steve Hatfill, I'm skeptical.
Politics at its' worst. This is just a "plan" to Bash Bush...just another in along list. No way they will EVER admit that Saddam was the provider and Osama's boys were the delivery boys.
As far as I can see...This is libel because it will never and can never get to court. I hope the family sues the hell out of them.
I’m beginning to think that maybe Hillary off’d him.
I’d care what a poll of the troops said, but a poll of random Americans, half of
whom were clueless enough to vote for John Kerry/John Edwards, is irrelevant.
In the words of the Great Patton “Americans love a fight” and they HATE defeat. And the loser scum of the Vietnam war want us to walk away so badly so they can point to George and say “see I told you so!” to feel better about the guilt they still carry for idiotic policy that had us lose over 57000 men to a war we should have won.
Nothing doing. I don't trust or believe this poll
The poll question itself is invalid. What about those, like myself (with no political considerations to hold me back), who believe the war in Iraq has already been won. It’s all over but the shooting.
Not only is profanity a talking point for many on the left it’s also a fairly
common technique to try and stifle argument.
It’s simple.
They are not as educated and thus do not have a deep vocabulary to leverage when expressing their thoughts.
Or it’s just easier to curse when you are high on drugs.
Liberals have less grasp on the language.
Too many liberals are too emotional about whatever the issue being discussed is.
Too many liberals demonize those who disagree with them, which generates ill
will and profanity. Too many liberals don’t have the ability to think critically
about issues.
McCain isn't worthy to lick the soles of Cheney’s shoes.
Why should Cheney bother? I’m sure he’d rather be fishing in Wyoming.
Cheney’s a true conservative, AND he’d make the Libs’ heads explode just by
showing up!
THERE is a candidate we could get excited about!(Can’t blame him for not wanting to set foot in the same building McLame is in...)
Cheney will be too busy destroying planets with his Halliburton Death Star to attend.
Sounds like the convention will be a raging bore.Cause without funkmaster Cheney, it's not a party.
I hope they need plenty of [blood]... and police dogs and water cannons and mace and
tear gas and rubber bullets!!!!!!!!!
I just hope Denver-area construction worker types don’t run out of steel
hardhats, baseball bats, and sleeveless undershirts.
Is that blood going to be screened for AIDS etc ????
Oh, hush my mouth...
Now I’ve done it ...
Hmmm...a quandry. Give my blood to some stinking lib and he continues on his
merry-but-confused way, or hope that some of my red cells infect him and bring
some sense to his noggin...hmmm...
Let ‘em die.
I am sure your sentiments are not quite so severe, because if this wasNot 'cause it's wrong or unchristian, but because it makes them unable to look down on their much smaller arch-nemesis, DU.
posted on DU, we would jump all over it.
'US Jews dislike Lieberman, Hagee'
These are the same Jews that hate Israel. This liberal Jewish guilt is cut from the same cloth of the liberal white man's guilt.
This is not surprising. Read mainstream Jewish publications and you soon find out they hate Israel too.
[Jews] love Clinton. Not the Orthodox of course. They have their priorities
and it is not gays or multiculturalism
LBJ already paid it - to the tune of 10’s of billions.
It’s called welfare.
Dude, we've been paying reparations through welfare, insurance fraud,
through socialized medicine (rarely do I see a black patient with insurance
outside of what is given by the state), through our schools, who are overrun
with thugs who simply place zero emphasis on education.Through the massively disproportionate rape of our daugthers. Through massively disproportate murder, theft, and assault. Through group intimidation in our schools.
Of course you're not allowed to say anything about that. Speaking the truth makes you a racist.
Is a race war on the horizon ?
There's been a race war on for decades; it has been called "affirmative action"
I will pay reparations on every slave I have personally owned.
One red cent of my tax money going to any slaves, or their descendants, that I have had no part in the ownership of I will consider theft. Any tax collector or government
agency trying to take said funds from me will be treated like any other armed
It feels like Warsaw, late 1938.
But I do have an SKS and 1000 rounds. It should get me through the first week.