Yeah, nothing helps the country like having it's leader disgraced. Ohh, this is the "Real American" dream.


Nice to see some folks just beginning on photoshop. Life is a series of lessons!

Yeah, Freepers have doubled down on the whole teleprompter thing after handgate.

You Lie. Will it be as big as the Obama joker?


What the crap is this?

Satah Palin: Still married to a man!

Ahh, gay jokes. Keeping Freepers irrelevant in the modern world!

Not funny.

Artic Fox? I thought she was a bear, or a barracuda. Palin contains multitudes.
I find it pretty funny that right-wing freaks have been tripping all over each other to denounce global warming because of a snow storm. It would be downright hilarious if they weren't influencing a lot of people including influential politicians with this idiocy.