Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Not Conservative, anti-liberal.

Obama opens up drilling off the coast of Virginia. Freepers spin this move out of the Conservative playbook as one might imagine; badly:

TokuMei knows whatever Obama does it's to get people to like him:

Right! He’ll trumpet this to high heaven until right after his re-election, and then yank the carpet from under us.

This man is Afro-Machiavellian.

He's doing a super bad job for Freepers, then!

goodnesswins knows where all good things lead:

Yeah...under what soon the OIL Companies will be under gov’t control...

ExSoldier won't be satisfied until there is some serious regulation:
Open for drilling is one thing. Big oil will snap up leases and then sit on them so as to keep anybody ELSE from drilling and thus keep oil prices high. I'll believe it when he MANDATES drilling and then mandates more refineries be built.
nutmeg is unhappy cause all the money is going to pay for things:
Money to pay China?That was my first thought. Or money to pay for the upcoming healthcare debacle...
Chickensoup just hates all policies that increase income:

We have to make money so he can tax money.

NoobRep sees the future:

It’s a diversion straight out of Alinsky’s playboook. Obama is going to announce that CO2 is a pollutant and put this in the hands of the EPA. Stuart Varney said this oil drilling won’t be scheduled for years and then the greennuts will sue. Says we won’t see a drop of oil for years.


Alternative energy source: all the heat from exploding leftists’ heads.

Well yeah, if they stick to their principals.

1 comment:

  1. Afro-macchavellian !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! most hillarious freeper description of obama yet !
