The right has taken to protests and rallies lately. Such events are now their territory, and all attempts by non Tea Party folks are just immitatin'. Thus the Stewart Colbert rallies this weekend
do not make them happy. Course, the tone (if not the substance) is being kept strictly nonpartisan. Not that such will stop Freepers from bringing their strongest liberal stereotypes to bear!
Darkwolf377 knows what will happen:
I was just thinking, if this thing is actually huge, it’s going to completely backfire on them. Americans will see a sea of people saying “GIMME! GIMME! GIMME!!!” with their Mexican flags and “Bush’s Fault” signs, and think, “Well now I’m DEFINITELY voting these people out, they’re the ones bleeding us dry and they want more!?”
Prole agrees, and has a poetically insane list of who votes Democrat these days:
Jon Leibowitz, or whatever the hell his name is these days, fails to understand that today's democrat party is the support network of hostile racists, anarchists, islamic terrorists, abortionists, societal elitists, jack-booted feminists, militant homosexuals, felons, pathological liars, sneaks, tax cheats, miscreants and other uniquely dangerous individuals.
I genuinely hope that all of these assorted losers show up in droves to Leibowitz's rally, and show America what today's democrat party is truly representative of.
Darkwolf377 again, with many levels of wrong:
Do you recall when Colbert made his foolish appearance before Congress? If you noticed, he started out being “funny,” but then you could see he must have been thinking, “Hey...wait...I am A Force for Good In Our Time!” and he tried to get serious.
That’s what’s happening here. If hardly anyone shows up, Stewart and Colbert won’t miss a beat, and be saying, “We were just kidding around, and look how many people showed up to mock all those silly SERIOUS people who went to the Beck thing!”
If they get a big crowd, Stewart will be up there shouting about Tea Baggers and taking this country back and we won’t let them do blah blah blah.
They’re going to implode like any comedian does when he wants to be considered a serious actor, or serious commentator ala Jeanine Garafolo (sp), who went from lightweight comedian to popular lib to cancelled radio show host to whatever she is now. They claim they’re being funny but are secretly hoping to be taken seriously, to BE the people they mock on their TV shows.
1. He assumes Colbert's Congressional testimony was all improvised, so he could serious it up in the middle? Wow, Colbert is awesome!
2. Similarly, he thinks the rally material won't be written beforehand?
3. Stewart doesn't exactly trade in yelling and shouting.
4. Comedians that go serious? Yeah, that never works, never mind Jim Carrey, Bill Murray and Steve Martin! Or Al Franken.
ncalburt prefers to shoot the mesanger:
You mean phony JOHN LEIBOWITZ, his real name .
This sicko is a twisted Israel Hating Manhattan Jewish Leftist supporting a radical Muslim Black . He is a wacko.
iopscusaYeppers....bozo Jon Leibowitzo will fair even worst than the smug little prick Colbert’s stupid charade in front of the loons in Congress. This will be another turnoff to serious Voters....the Tea-nami is still growing!
Serious Voters vote Republican, and use Tea-nami in political discourse!
GizzyGirl notes they've got our kids! Not hers though:
I found out yesterday that nieces, nephews, kids from the neighborhood and down at the local college campus are all going. Called my mother-in-law, she was so upset to hear they've got our kids (not mine thank God!), I think I ruined her day.
Darren McCarty totally watches the show:
Jon Stewart is a piece of crap. To use his own words, he can go %@!# himself.