Friday, October 15, 2010

Don't Ask Forced...Our of America's Throat

Freepers have canned reactions to gains in homosexual rights and to judicial rulings they don't like, so their reaction to a Federal Judge saying Don't Ask Don't Tell is unconstitutional was pretty rote, actually. It's like their outrage is busy waiting for November:

has this thoughtful treatise on homosexuality and masculinity:

Being an open “gay” is most definitely prejudicial to good order and discipline. Warriors are manly - neither female nor gay. And the armed forces that I want to protect me and my family is an army of warriors. Anything less is a social experiment that has nothing to do with winning wars.

Only Manly Men can fight, like Rambo and those 300 guys!

Califelephant goes with the "Judges are destroying our democracy" line:

Bow to your judicial overlords!

The citizens can vote ... a judge will overrule them.
The Congress can legislate ... a judge will overturn them.
The President can sign a bill into law ... but a judge gets the final word.

All hail the omnipotent men (and women) in black!

sigh. They say this every time, and yet somehow America keeps on keeping on.

And the hits just keep on coming. Whether she knows it or not, this bimbo just put the final torpedo in the ‘RATS’ ship. Good for her! See you ‘RATS in November!!!
Come for the Bimbo Judge, stay for the political analysis:

anniegetyourgun thinks this is just finishing what Obama's election started:
It’s like I said in 11/08 - we have 1-party rule now. They own us.
takenoprisoner wants gays to be some kind of kick-as suicide squad.

Since gays and lesbians are such great fighting warriors, not to be discriminated against, then they should always be placed on the front line as point men/women. None of this office duty, or duty in the rear with the gear. No no no. We need gays and lesbians on the front line of defense. They must be the first in. The first boots on the ground. The first to face the enemy one on one. Just like heterosexuals have done for centuries.

Political Junkie Too wants a Constitutional Crisis over this:

Appealing the ruling just legitimizes it. People should just declare the ruling unconstitutional and ignore it.

Yeah, just don't invite the gays next time you deploy!

1_Of_We Forgot Reagan and Coolidge:
In the words of our last good president (Andrew Jackson): “They’ve made their decision... now let them enforce it!”
TexasFreeper2009 sees Obama is in a difficult position, if you buy into pure identity politics:
Remember though... the blacks are the only group that still strongly support the president... and they are BIG against the fags.

He risks alienating his last remaining supporters.

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