Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday potpourri.

GLDNGUN on Palin's latest political masterstroke - calling the media "Corrupt bastards"

BRILLIANCE BY PALIN. “Corrupt bastards” are the strongest words ever uttered in public by Sarah Palin. We all know the media loves to report every time Sarah speaks a word or tweets a text. They will now dutifully and breathlessly report that Palin called reporters “corrupt bastards”, and she knows and expects it. When they report WHAT she said, they will have to report WHY she said it. And when people learn the story they will indeed agree with Palin. CORRUPT BASTARDS indeed! This can only help Joe Miller today and Sarah Palin tomorrow.

mjp on how Fox News and virtue:

Stewart = statism = too extreme = vice
MSNBC = statism = too extreme = vice
anarchy/chaos = too extreme = vice
Fox’s conservatism = golden mean of virtue

PA-RIVER thinks Obama is some kind of supervillian:
The day Obastard, the lying POS Muzzie leaves the Oval office, you cant bet your last dollar that every communist dictator and Islamic Nazi king will have all our military secrets.

The Kenyan bastard wants us dead.
Darkwolf377 wants us to know liberals are all atheists and gloryhounds, unlike humble Christians.

That's the difference between you and a liberal, though; for most of them, such actions are meaningless unless someone is there to see them, to witness their actions, and reflect glory back on them for doing nothing more than living up to their espoused beliefs.

If they did as you suggest, they'd be actually helping someone, but there wouldn't be camera-ready shots of a mass of people, which translates into a comeback to Beck's gathering. THAT is what they REALLY want--to stick a finger in the eye of their REAL enemy, those awful, awful Christian Americans. (I say this as an atheist.)

When I worked in a homeless shelter a few years back, I hung out with the Christians. We enjoyed ourselves and related to the clients, and none of the Christian volunteers made a big deal out of what they were doing -- they just showed up, did their thing with a smile, and that was it. Meanwhile the atheists who worked with me fulltime were cranky, bitchy and mean, as well as disloyal--but they made sure to let everyone know how much they were "suffering" for the good work they were doing.


Black Americans gotta get real (they won’t)!!! But, for the other 87% of American voters, the handwriting is clearly on the wall!!! The Democrat Party must be totally and finally destroyed come next Tuesday, Election Day, 2010.
Black Americans are a lost cause, but every nonblack is going to vote to destroy the Democratic Party, I guess!

Rome2000 has the formula for political success:
At what point do we stop using the marxists non de plume "Progressives" and start calling them marxists?.

Our failure to do this since McCarthy is the reason Pelosi is SOTH and Hussein is POTUS.

Hit the red sons of bitches hard right between the eyes, and that starts with refusing to play their Orwellian game.
Conservatives yelling even more about Marxists is sure to woo the independents!

Hoosier-Daddy expects rampant voter fraud and violence, cause "Iran was the dry run."
"If the dissatisfied persist in their outrage they will then crack down using what ever force necessary."

Iran was the dry run. That is why Obama reacted like he did.
dagogo redux has a plan:

Sell off all Federally owed property, starting with DC.

Confiscate the accumulated wealth of all Federal employees, starting with the elected officials. Then fire them. Reduce the Federal government to the size it had at its inception.

Cancel all Federal laws written after the Constitution, compress all the paper they are written on into fireplace logs, and sell them at WalMart.

Reduce the expense of maintaining a nuclear arsenal by detonating them all in a swath starting in Mecca and spreading east to Jakarta and West to Tripoli. Any left over can be used on the major population centers of China and Russia.

Bring all troops home, give them one last asssignment to conquer and annex Mexico “with extreme prejudice,” set up a suitable garrison to insure southern border security, and dismiss the rest. Sell off the weapons, equipment and most of the bases to the public.

End ALL Federal entitlement payments. If people won’t work, and if their families and communities don’t deem them worthy of caring for, let them fend for themselves.

That should do it.

That should do it indeed.

nascarnation would like us to know about what life in the hood is like:
Let’s bring back the bartering system.

I think it's alive and well in "the hood"

using drugs and prostitution
MrB on how Muslims have taken all of Europ hostage:
The muzzies have entered [European] societies and are holding them hostage, abusing them, threatening them, and the "hostages" are now doing what they can to gain the favor of their abusers.
Blue Turtle on Limbaugh vs. Stewart:
Limbaugh uses intelligent political analysis to educate his listeners. Stewart uses ridicule and comedy to promote a certain political point of view. Plus, Rush is waaaay smarter than Stewart.
muawiyah insists on Obama's richness:
Obama is typical of his class. Remember, in an era when almost all Africans were still half naked and lived in homes made from branches and cowdung his father killed himself in an automobile accident.

Then, there's his American grandmother ~ she was a banker.


  1. Hey Ozy,
    A live freeper racist comment. Please post.

  2. Look for it in next week's Monday potpourri!
