Saturday, October 21, 2017

Freepers vs. Recycling

anon1's eagle eye found this one.

I don't know if all recycling is energy efficient, or if it's more a long-standing political fad. Neither do Freepers, and they're amusingly split on the issue. There's those who refuse out of spite, those waiting for the Almighty Market to give them money to do it, and those who do it but post on Free Republic how they totally don't like it.

ClearCase_guy is totally not smug:
Liberalism is an IQ test. The smug people are the dumb people.
Daffynition is one of many, many Freepers to raise this objection, but cite not sources:
It irks, that one has to rinse the recyclables...has anyone calculated the water it wastes? .....especially if you use hot water?
driftless2 wants everyone to listen to his LIBERAL geography prof:
More than twenty years ago one of my LIBERAL geography profs. did a study on recycling and concluded it cost more in money and was more polluting than just throwing everything in the garbage.
Steely Tom doesn't like to do anything that wasn't done like 40 years ago:
I have to wash the garbage I put in the recycling bin so we don’t have flies in the garage.

My parents never washed the garbage. I know this because I used to empty the wastebaskets every day and take the garbage out every week.
Diana in Wisconsin works hard to lower her footprint. And also seems to live in a place inhabited by Jawas or something...
I will ALWAYS compost veggie scraps and garden waste and will burn what I can - but I might not always ‘recycle’ as I should. I will crush cans and save aluminum for cash, but it’s not an obsession by any means.

However, he makes a good point that those stuck in Liberal Cities or, ‘In Town’ as we call them, have to have a place to keep their recyclables until pick-up day which can be messy and stinky in the heat of summer.

I live in the boonies and have NEVER had a problem getting rid of anything; I haul it to the ‘curb’ and it’s gone in sixty seconds. ;)

I ‘release’ it back into The Universe and if someone else wants to profit from it, so much the better. :)
Yeah, I'm not even going to look it up; I'm not buying this story by whinecountry:
Here in Calif. they outlawed plastic bags for groceries and urged everyone to use the cloth bags to “save the environment.” We know a guy who works in a landfill and guess what. People are throwing away the cloth bags — which take up far more space in the landfill and much longer to deteriorate than the plastics.
thirst4truth smugly tells of how she owned her public school system once:
25 years ago when my oldest son was in grade school, I caught him looking through the various "recycling" bags under the kitchen sink. "What are you doing?" I asked. "My teacher asked us to find out if our parents are recycling and report back." "What?" I took all the bags, plastic, glass, paper and put them all in one bag and handed it to him to take out to the garbage can, and told him, "Now go tell your teacher that I do NOT recycle, what is she going to do about it?"

Never recycled another piece of garbage again, happy about it too.
thirst4truth is pretty sure that one heroic act of dickery is what made her son eschew recycling:
He is 34 now, has a family and is not recycling, he still remembers what I did that day.
newfreep somehow ties recycling to being anti-Christian:
The same with “climate change,” it’s a religion and will make us poorer and lead to tyranny.

Leftism is an amalgamation of religious cults that is the “Bi-Polar” opposite of the Constitution and the Judeo-Christian morals that America was founded upon.
Haiku Guy knows what recycling leads to:
Recycling is practice for knuckling under to tyranny.
huldah1776 took all the wrong lessons from his social psychology class:
The recycling campaign is used as a prime example on how to coerce and motivate the public in my social psych text. Live and learn!
toothfairy86 is just not getting into the spiteful spirit of things:
I still live in a small city that was a major glass producer in the 1900’s. As a child, we used to play in the alleyways and dig up pieces of colored glass that was mixed in through the gravel. Now, our city is a democratic run, drug riddled, cesspool. We pay for garbage bags, and they pick up recycling twice a, cans, and newspapers. We used to be allowed to burn our waste paper, but the city took a pile of money from the EPA to make it illegal.

I always felt that most recycling was counter intuitive. You waste a lot of water to wash out cans and glass jars. If you really care about the environment, quit drinking out of plastic bottles and get a water filter. Make coffee in a coffee pot, instead of K-cups. Buy food or products with less packaging. Buy quality products, so that you aren’t constantly buying new stuff that breaks quickly. Conservatism is all about being good stewards of your environment.
Market robot kosciusko51 does nothing unless there's profit in it:
My daughters ask me why we don’t recycle. I told them there is no money in it. If there was, someone would pay me to recycle.
Hot Tabasco is okay with anything wherein he gets paid:
I think recycling is a waste of time. However, I AM in favor of deposits on bottles and cans and would like to see the same on plastic water bottles too........
lacrew blew a coworker's mind by demanding to be paid to recycle:
I once tried to explain this to a liberal who wanted me to recycle paper at the office. I explained that, if nobody wanted to pay me for used paper, at BEST recycling was a break even as far as energy is concerned....but more likely used more. In a free market, cost of just about anything is directly related to the energy needed to make and ship it. If new paper costs less, it must have a lower ‘carbon footprint’.

She shrugged it off.
Norseman is totally the only person who understands the superlative correctness of the market:
I got in an argument with a liberal about 20 years ago over recycling. He ended up saying to me “So, what you’re saying is that you only recycle what you get paid to recycle?” I said “Yes.”

Basic economics and liberalism are not easily joined.
Mastador1 recycled until he saw some poor people found his discarded cans useful, and FUCK THEM:
I have found that separating the recyclables ended helping only the thieves that came and took the valuable items from the cans the night before and sometimes right in front of the collection truck. When I saw that the city had no intention of upholding a law that was supposed to help keep costs down through revenue I said screw it.


  1. It's amazing that these people can outright acknowledge that they won't recycle unless paid to do so and they don't realize how this makes them selfish and the bad guys in this situation. What a bunch of scumbags.

    1. It's no surprise. They're a bunch of spiteful, bitter malcontents. Their only satisfaction is in getting one over on someone or in spewing bile when failing to do so.

      They live to hate, and they hate to live.

  2. Are you back more regularly, Ozy?

  3. “...the “Bi-Polar” opposite of the Constitution and the Judeo-Christian morals that America was founded upon.”
    What’s so Judeo-Christian about filling landfills with giant empty plastic bottles and scrap metal? How they somehow connect these dots I’ll never understand.

    1. If someone ever said that to me in person, I'd start staring at their forehead until they asked me what I'm doing. Then I'd say, "Just waiting for the cuckoo bird to pop out."

    2. LMAO
      I’d want to ask “How did they get you stand all your principles on their head so you could get a tax cut? Tell me their secret.”

  4. Lacrew's extensive education in economics omitted any mention of consumption externalities, I see.

  5. Keep it classy Freepers:

    Texas girl, 10, with cerebral palsy faces deportation after trip to hospital

    1. The pro-life crowd is so reliably hateful to children.

      Perhaps a church group may want to “adopt” her and provide long term help, in her home country.

      Yeah, not bloody likely. Unless they can make political hay out of it.

  6. Show the sheer amount of freepers sticking their heads in the sand today....amazing.

  7. Freepers decry ridiculing a woman's looks and weight.
    Liberal Columnists Attack Sarah Sanders For Her Weight, Southern Accent

    Whew, it's a good thing they've never mocked any female public figures! That would be really awkward.

  8. Replies
    1. Crazy lady butterdezillion is on the case !

      She's found a new "mysterious skindiver" theory to obsess about.

    2. "Dylann Roof shot up the Charleston, NC church on June 17, 2015, the day after Donald Trump announced his candidacy.

      Presidential directive exposed that Obama backed Muslim Brotherhood.

      Baltimore violence exposed leftwing radicalism and pandering by leftist leaders.

      Hillary set to testify on Benghazi the week after the Charleston shooting."

      Lol....what the fuck?!? She's lost her damn mind.

  9. Sorry, should have posted this in the update:

    Girl writes an arguably-emotional piece talking about how she made mistakes when she was younger by cheating three times...

    ...Freepers are jealous that they're no longer young and able to have sex with an attractive girl anymore, so they bash her.


  10. I find it hilarious how fast they forgot the horrors of Pizzagate as soon as Ray Moore got accused of misconduct with underage girls. Every excuse from “lying bitch” to “parents were cool with it” to “age of consent used to be 12”!

    1. In the 19th century marriages between teen aged women and older men were common so the age of consent was in the teens. Presently the age of consent for women in Alabama is 16. In 1979 according to Gateway Pundit it was 12. In Mexico it’s 14.

    2. ^ link

  11. Time for God’s Men to Pack Heat to Church!

    Thanks for proving why prayer does not work and that guns are dangerous!

  12. Holy God, these Freeper statements about Roy Moore's alleged child molestation episodes are some of the creepiest things I've ever read by these wack jobs!

    Prepared to get creeped out:

    1. "Prepared to get creeped out:"

      I can't believe their best defense is that, according to some right-wing sites, in 1979 the age of consent in Alabama was 12yo.

      Heck, that 14yo girl was practically an Old Maid according to freepers.

    2. I guess I'm happy that I've never had to make a decision to support an alleged child molester for purely political reasons.

      I can't believe I live in a world where I had to type that sentence!

  13. Anyone else notice the grift-o-thon title has gone from "support free republic" to "seriously folks, we need your money"?

    1. JimRob is already faking it ... its going through Thanksgiving at least

    2. I'm saying first week in December is when it will magically close, right after cyber Monday and then it starts up all over again January 1st

  14. Who is the leader of the swamp/ deep state? ...

    Hilarious paranoid conspiracy theories concocted by crazy freepers ... no sign of savagesusie or butterdezillion yet, but I'm sure they'll be along soon.

  15. So much gnashing of teeth.

    Jeff Sessions: 'Not enough evidence' for special counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton

    To review:
    Mueller investigation of Trump -- witch hunt. Persecution.
    Roy Moore -- Innocent until proven guilty!
    Hillary Clinton: Endless investigations by a Republican congress but no evidence of wrongdoing -- miscarriage of justice!

  16. Hannity backtracks on Roy Moore !

    Freepers, of course, shit their collective pants.
    So many Keurigs died in vain !

    1. Aw, shit!
      It's a good thing Hannity wasn't sponsored by a pickup truck manufacturer. Trying to imagine them all driving them over cliffs or blowing 'em up with dynamite on YouTube.

    2. Oh noes, Hannity is worried about losing sponsors! I guess free market capitalism has some occasional downsides.
      F. Lee Hannity ultimatum to Roy Moore

      It must be the fault of the Deep State again!

  17. If only they reacted the same way when Dicks sporting goods pulled there advertising......

  18. My wife was raped by her own father several times and she still has never cried about it and we have been together for over 39 years.

    I'm starting to think that these people have absolutely no idea what the norms of decent behavior are, and they're far too old to learn now. Holy shit.

  19. Some new freeper just signed up today just to start an openly racist thread for bullshit reasons.

    Surprisingly, except for a few racist nincompoops, most freepers don't fall for it and call out the brand new freeper.

    Something is going on though ... usually brand new freepers cannot start new threads on their very first sign-up day. I think JimRob is probing FR to see what topics he can exploit to get this 'thon to the end.

  20. Rex Tillerson issues State Department "Transgender Day of Remembrance".

    Freepers shit their collective Depends.

  21. Freepers (who aren't racist, guys, you're the racists) welcome Prince Harry's engagement announcement.

    Tiger Claws: “Movin’ on up...”

    Blue House Sue: Just one more Welfare Princess added to the dole.

    Berlin_Freeper: Soon there could be a little mugabe pattering around the Palace.

    Even the "compliments" are unintentionally racist remarks about mixing gene pools or something.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I assure you all, I haven't lost my mind. For whatever reason, I can't get the link to work, so I give up!

    1. Here, try copying this:
      <a href="">Text to link</a>

      You were missing the second quotation mark.

    2. I could have sworn I checked my opening and closing quotation marks, but clearly, my eyes were tired!

    3. I do it without any quotation marks at all and that works too.

  26. I was trying to comment on this story, but by now it's day-old news.

    A woman approached The Post with dramatic — and false — tale about Roy Moore

    What's remarkable to me about their reactions is this:
    - They constantly decry "fake news" but cheer on a guy who got caught hiring a woman to pose under a false name with a fake story.
    - They cheer him on because he is trying to discredit victims of sex abuse, who have corroborated stories, by using a lying woman who's doing it for pay to muddy the waters.

    They have the nerve to complain about journalists fact-checking their sources first.

    I do not understand what people consider ethics or morals or journalism anymore.

    A Washington Post reporter asked O'Keefe numerous times whether Jaime Phillips worked for him or not, and he refused to answer. So much for the Veritas part of the project.

    1. xzins: She could have been a sting on Veritas, paid from the outset to walk thru Veritas’ doors.

      If that's the case, he could simply have denied that she works for him, and he didn't. But they want to believe him anyway.

  27. I know that cults like Free Republic can be impossible to penetrate, but how can they post an article like this without any irony?
    Steve Bannon Goes Off on Mitt Romney in Alabama: 'Hid Behind Your Religion’ During Vietnam
    I'm sorry -- I forget when Donald Trump served in Vietnam.

  28. Freep in a nutshell ...

    To: cableguymn

    I would prefer a pubby child molester to a democratic saint.

    19 posted on 12/11/2017, 4:54:45 PM by genghis

  29. 17th Miss Regt:Moore is gone. Not in the Senate. It is time to press for the pervert Al Franken to resign immediately.

    Uhhhh... Al Franken already resigned. Your guy is the pervert. He was apparently rejected. Deal with it.

    1. This. Means. War.

      The above is just one impotent rage thread, there will be dozens by tomorrow on FR.

      My vodka tonight is being deliciously mixed with sweet sweet freeper tears!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Yes ... funny that Alabama has been a conservative republican stronghold for decades, with Roy Moore being a power player for most of that time, and surprisingly, Alabama STILL HAS ABORTION !!!!

  30. Replies
    1. Morgana had a psychotic breakdown on FR a few years ago and got herself zotted and exiled for over a year.

      Finally, for a big donation at the end of another anemic 'thon, JR let her back on.

  31. And the final freeperthon of 2017 creeps over the finish line. Just under three weeks before the next one.....

    1. And it ended with one mysterious donation of $1500 ... coming in amid a weak tea of a few $10 and $20 pledges per day in the last month or so.

      JimRob hasn't made his freepathon goal for the last few years before he faked it over.

  32. Good discussion on net neutrality.

    I admire semimojo, if only for the patient and articulate arguments. It seems that no matter how many times s/he says the same thing in different ways, some do not grasp the analogy. Frustrating.

    1. On the flip side, Freepers decide that millions of fake internet comments in favor of repealing net neutrality were faked . . . by liberals. To make Trump look bad?

    2. This is Free Republic. We defend the constitution, freedom and free-markets here—not big government and socialism. This is a freedom site. We talk freedom here. If you want to talk socialism, go join a socialist site. -- Jim Robinson

      There is nothing in the constitution about capitalism or free markets.

      "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

      Just sayin'. Sometimes those onerous regulations are there to protect citizens from the predations of powerful special interests, Jim. Not that you'll ever hear that on Rush or Hannity.

  33. .
    Sen. McCain 'doing well' and in 'good spirits' says son-in-law - though won't be on hand
    What follows are some of the filthiest sub-human comments to be found on the internet.

    Typical Freep !

    1. We at Free Republic are all pro-military and pro-life! Now will John McCain just die already so we can get our imaginary tax cuts?

  34. Thug life in Alaska.

    Poor Track Palin. If only he'd had some advantages in life, like religion, the military, a two-parent home, money, he'd have had a chance.

    Sorry to hear this. Domestic troubles are the worst. The man always loses. Always.

    That's right, bitch set him up!

    1. Ha, I read that last night ... glad you posted it. I'm surprised at the range of opinions on Track (not all are supportive), but of course Saint Sarah catches no flack at all.

    2. And the recent update has Track, not attacking his ex-wife, but actually attacking his own father at the Palin residence.

  35. Replies
    1. That's a weird one. The original poster, Skooz, starts with "So alone on Xmas Eve" then, after a bunch of "We're here" and "God is with you" comments, Skooz then says, by comment #25, "I'll be with lots of family tomorrow, on Xmas DAY!" Which makes it seem like the whole point was to get sympathy, then pull the rug from under everyone. Is that an example of Conservative Humor?

  36. Skywise: Don’t you find it interesting that the media never has in depth stories about black on black crime? Like telling a daughter she can’t date a black panther?

    By all means, Skywise, please share with us all your stories about how a daughter dating a black panther is murdered by him along with her parents. Maybe the media isn't reporting on it because it isn't happening.

  37. Oh God, we need you Oz!

    This Bannon vs Trump on FR is WAY too much fun without Freeper Madness!!!

    1. So true ... it is the most divisive issue for quite awhile on FR. Keep tuned to see if it turns into a purge!

      Also, just for fun, read the commentary at Breitbart News ... even the Breitbarters are divided on their loyalties.

    2. Here's one to keep you entertained:

      "A monument to SC’s black Confederate soldiers? None fought for the South, experts say";page=41

      To: DoodleDawg
      Because no one in the CSA Army really distinguish on race. Nobody cared about color. There are no records because being black wasn’t special.

      43 posted on 1/5/2018, 3:28:34 PM by central_va (I won't be reconstructed and I do not give a damn.)
      [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 41 | View Replies]

      To: central_va
      Because no one in the CSA Army really distinguish on race. Nobody cared about color. There are no records because being black wasn’t special.

      Are you serious???

      44 posted on 1/5/2018, 3:30:41 PM by DoodleDawg
      [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 43 | View Replies]

  38. These complaints are pretty rich, coming from people who admire James O'Keefe and his bogus "investigative journalism."

    Trump book author Michael Wolff made a damaging admission on the ‘Today’ show

    To: mandaladon
    Isn’t that what Project Veritas does?
    27 posted on 01/05/2018 5:28:34 PM PST by Hildy (There)

    To: Hildy
    They video tape for proof, and then show it for all to see. Has this guy done that?
    28 posted on 01/05/2018 7:04:00 PM PST by Bellflower (Who dares believe Jesus?)

    To: Bellflower

    Great, spot on point.

    No comparison between Project Veritas and this slime ball.

    29 posted on 01/05/2018 7:10:41 PM PST by Jane Long

    Yeah, after he selectively edits everything together. But more to the point, he and his staff lie about who they are everywhere they go.

  39. Wanna see some old farts in a bubble?

    When did you stop watching TV?

    Praise be to Jim Robinson for launching Free Republic and helping them all avoid a lifetime of hell in a closed-off bubble from reality.

  40. .
    Freep catches "Q" fever!
    Pizzagate failed to reignite a new "satanic panic", so now the right-wing nut cases are moving on to "Q"-mania for their jollies.

    1. Maybe Q from Star Trek is playing a joke on Freepers.

      Oh heck, what am I saying. The whole universe has been playing a joke on Freepers from the start.


    3. Nice writeup, Tommy. Think I'll mosey on over to your blog while waiting for Ozy to come back and continue updating on a regular basis.

  41. I want you to imagine for one second if this family was black and lived in Chicago instead of being a white homeschooler family from Texas.

    SCRATCH MARKS on doors, carpets caked in filth and closets 'converted into CAGES': Owners of two Texas homes where California house of horror couple lived with their children before relocating reveal the conditions of properties they left behind

    First of all: Is the "condition of the property" really what's important in this story?? Note the complete lack of sympathy for the children and adults subjected to this abuse. Instead, they're worried that the publicity will make home schooling look bad.

    Sounds like Bubba Clinton’s vacation house.

    I have heard some weak Clinton deflections in my time, but this has to rank among the worst ones of all.

  42. VietVet786 on MLK holiday:
    No. I like a day off from work in January. “Shoot four more and we’ll get a week off.”

    Oh, and the Q thing truly has become their new toy.
    Imagine controlling all three branches of government, and still feeling this miserable and paranoid. Can a persecution complex become a 24/7 lifetime hobby? There must be a psychological term for this.

    1. The "Q" shit is hilarious ... the "trve believers" are digging in their heels and getting nasty about any skepticism.

    2. Oh, the "Q" thingy has taken on a life of its own:

      Check out the "Q who" edition at First Draft....

  43. Are they actually defending pre-meditated murder now?

    CNN’s Don Lemon says Trump’s rhetoric responsible for threats against network.

  44. Guggenheim offers Trump a gold toilet for White House: report

    It’s totally outrageous for a museum to engage in petty toilet insults when the WH requested a painting.

    Trump supporter outraged by pettiness. LOL.

    I don’t know if this is real or not, but in general, the level of disrespect, ridicule and abuse my President is subjected to on a daily basis is really getting me down.

    Aw, that's cute.

    They think Trump defunding the arts will affect the Guggenheim. Luckily, the arts don't depend on the whims of people who share Trump's taste in art, interior decorating, or anything else for that matter.

    Yes, and place the display in a public access lavatory at the White House so the forgotten man (and woman) can use it.

    I'm kind of fine with that. A golden toilet should be his legacy. Especially instead of a library.

    1. Smart move on part of the Guggenheim ... Trump would claim its was a "gift" and keep it.

  45. Replies
    1. Not all of them, though:

      You know, it may not be as much of a problem if you leave your white hood at home...

      11 posted on 01/30/2018 4:43:23 AM PST by Hurricane Andrew (There are no evil thoughts except one: the refusal to think.)

      I wonder how long until he gets zotted?

    2. I saw that ! Color me surprised !

  46. Replies
    1. Fat freepers in their rascal wheelchairs ... Trump's first line of defense!

    2. And his last. Interesting how they think only Republican presidents are afforded this protection. Whenever a Democrat gets elected, all they can talk about is wanting to overturn the will of the voters.

    3. That makes sense—they don't believe that there are eligible Democrat voters. They are very clear about this after every election they lose: "it was the illegals," "it was the nigroes," "it was the Muslims," "it was the city folks," etc. They don't believe that any of those people have a genuine right to vote, because Freepers are ethnic and ideological nationalists. If you don't agree with them, you're illegal and should be killed.

  47. It would be interesting to find out how many FR subscribers or donors are actually Russians with classic rube screen names to help them blend in.

    1. I don't think even Russia has to stoop that low.

    2. Hmm. Not sure I agree.

  48. Omarosa sasses Trump on Celebrity Big Brother.

    Freepers thrilled they can stop pretending to like a black person anymore!

  49. Freepathon FYI !!!

    Just over six weeks in, and the JimRob gambling and whiskey fund has barely reached 50% of goal!


  50. Reported shooting being investigated at Stoneman Douglas High School

    400+ posts debating whether Cruz is Spanish or Hispanic or Caucasian or ginger or DACA. Hardly a word for the victims. It’s no wonder this country doesn’t take murder seriously, when the first question is “What was his eye color?”

    Oh, but mindlessly squawking “Prayers up” (does that ever grate on my nerves) after every shooting means your really, really care.

  51. After this screed, unlearner gummed some porridge and mashed peas for dinner, then fell asleep in his La-Z-boy watching Hannity, spilling his glass of bottom shelf gin.

  52. Free Republic rushes to defend the real victim of Parkland, FL: Tomi Lauren.

  53. .

    Articles Posted by Jim Robinson ...


    JimRob is on a vanity jag, trying to codge some donations to this quarter's very anemic 'thon.

    Yesterday's target ... the FBI.
    Today's target ... that old standby, The Mexicans!

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. It is depressing to know that these people walk among us. I'm sorry I even know about it.

    Don't let the wrinkle bags get you down.
    For everyone of them who "walks among us", there are 999 who know they are nothing but low-life losers.

  56. .
    Freeper posts article about white kid from Philadelphia getting racist graffiti spray painted on his house

    Oh the outrage against racism in any form!
    No ... what follows are 30 ant-black racist posts in a row, of course.

  57. Replies
    1. Funny that "heterosupremicist" (one of the assholier screen names on FR) doesn't realize that cartoon in an anti-republican cartoon.

    2. Be realistic—do you honestly expect him to remember every little detail about political ads from when he was a kid?

  58. .
    Trump's proposed bump stock ban ...

    Freepers don't like it ... open sassery of Hair Fuhrer ensues!

    1. Meanwhile, Trump is Dirty Harry and says he would have run into the school to confront the shooter even without a weapon. Bwahaha!
      Didn't he ditch military service because his feet were sore?

    2. Ha, yeah. If someone popped a balloon at one of his rallies, Trump would shit his pants right on stage.

  59. .
    Wrinklebags vs. teenagers !
    This one is worth a few laughs ... rascal riders yelling at clouds.

  60. .
    Ashtabula twin brothers are turning heads
    Black mother / bi-racial father ... fraternal twins are different skin tones.

    A few freepers desperately try to turn it into an openly racist thread ... surprisingly, other freepers aren't having it.

  61. And now for the racist thread of the day

  62. .
    Trump sacks Tillerson as secretary of state
    Total gold mine of freeper "1984"-style double-speak.
    All of a sudden Tillerson has been named as "part of the swamp" and, amazingly, an "Obama holdover".

    Yes, more "winning" and 15th dimensional chess!!

    In reality, Trump woke up constipated (again) and had to fire somebody to loosen his bowels.

    1. I gave up trying to follow their thought process once I realized they could both adore and despise everyone of Trump's appointees, depending on what their lord and savior DJT decrees that day from his Twitter shit throne. Sorry to be so vulgar. But he's making Caligula look like a stable genius.

  63. Replies
    1. LOL. Please. That's pretty much all FR does. That and blatant racism.

    2. The DJT,jr. divorce should have its own topic ... so far I'm surprised at the freeper response, some saying that maybe DJT jr might bear some responsibility.

      I'm sure that soon Vanessa will just be another "leftist whore" out to bring down the Donald.

    3. They are somehow so invested in this “beautiful family” (that they’ve never met) and the terrible effect a divorce will have on five children.
      Are they at all familiar with the bio of the guy they all voted for?

  64. Replies
    1. It's a rigged system! Lies! All lies! Meanwhile, have I ever mentioned my yuge electoral college win that everyone said was not possible that I still can't shut up about over a year after the election was over?

  65. Just for fun, I'd like to remind everyone that there are only 16 days left in the quarter, and the grift-a-thon only hit 90% today. Good chance this will be the first 'thon to go directly into the next 'thon starting April 1.

    1. I noticed Jim switched to pay pal for part of the thon, citing server issues. Could he be trying to get around taxes?

  66. .
    Tonight's openly racist FR post ...
    70,000 Whites Murdered In South Africa Since 1994.

    Of course, the racism quickly moves from South Africa to all blacks everywhere.

  67. Trump congratulates Putin on his "win". Trump humpers defend this as 13-dimensional chess and cheer on the Darnold for making liberals and never Trumpers mad. I never thought I'd see the day that FR went full commie.

  68. The gang of Russian bots who are playing Q are laughing and laughing at the discord they're raising among the boobs.

  69. Freepers can't properly interpret the opening paragraph of a straightforward news story . . . QAnonsense is only going to tie what brains they have in knots. At least it keeps them busy.

  70. Freepers are split on Bolton becoming the new national security advisor.;page=1

  71. I check out FR and Freeper Madness frequently to get different perspectives on various issues. I identify as a conservative but I really don't understand FR and I would really appreciate some insight into my question:
    Why are Freepers so persistently angry and depressed all of the time, no matter what the situation? If things go well politically for them, there's always more than a few that complain that it's still not good enough, and then in situations like this omnibus bill that's about to be passed the Freepers are absolutely apoplectic. Once again, in their minds, we have a situation that spells the imminent destruction of America and impending doom for them and their way of life. It's to the point where some don't care that President Trump eventually becomes impeached--they almost welcome it just to have something bad happen to him for his "betrayal".
    But why don't they ever take a loss as simply that--a loss? Why do conservatives always act like everything is out to get them and that danger and destruction is lurking around every corner all of the time? Do they even enjoy life in any capacity? Does nothing at all bring them any joy, except for seeing their political enemies suffer? I'm reading the mood on FR right now and it's so gloomy and hellishly awful that makes me want to slit my wrists lol.
    So in short my question is basically why are they always so morose and hopeless? Why do they always dwell on their misfortunes? How do so many people go on day after day and year after year being so scorchingly angry and sad without it killing them, and why do they wish to go on like this? And if I'm a conservative and I just don't feel that way or want to feel this way--is there something wrong with me? Am I the crazy one? Lol

    1. FR is not just conservatives, they are authoritarians. Read this article, and it will explain their mindset a little:

      Decoding Authoritarians: A Schizophrenic explains the craziest people in America.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. "Decoding Authoritarians" is an excellent read, and I think everyone should read it. That being said, Donald Trump is Freepers' dream come true -- an ignorant TV "patriot" who repeats their favorite Fox 'n' Friends daily talking points as if it came straight out of their mouths and into the TV -- yet they are angrier than ever. Their threat level is at 11 on a scale of 1-10. They're never going to abandon Trump, no matter what. He is their mirror. If Freepers didn't have their cult of permanent self-righteous victimhood, they wouldn't have any hobbies at all. They've already abandoned (by their own admission) TV, cable, movies, music, the NFL and every other sports league (because uppity blacks), the Oscars, the Emmys, the Grammys, popular music, newspapers, magazines, Facebook, and their own families. Free Republic is all they have left to give meaning to their lives. #sad

  72. I couldn't let this one go by.

    Switzerland has a stunningly high rate of gun ownership — here's why it doesn't have mass shootings

    2harddrive: Here in America, we have 1 gun per person, on the average - FOUR times as many at the other country. PLUS, we have WAY more minorities with poor impulse control. So that is an apples to toadstools comparison.

    I guess he hasn't noticed the lack of impulse control displayed by Loughner, Paddock, Cruz, Lanza, Holmes, Roof, Harris, Klebold . . . or maybe pre-meditated mass murder is a higher brain function that he thinks minorities aren't capable of.

  73. Freepers are always threatening how the "white man revolution" is going to start any day now ...

    As soon as some white guy actually does anything, they're all like "Hey, it's not us !!!"

  74. And a week later the grift-a-thon is back on....

    1. JimRob must be in dire straits ... usually he fakes the thon closed much earlier than he did the last one.

  75. Remember when they though Q was Trump

  76. Dow drops 700 points as Amazon tumbles, trade war fears rise

    Yaelle:It isn’t good for a country when a “royal” gets all the riches. Bezos used the resources of our land to get very rich, but for some time he has been craving so much power for himself that he is becoming his own King. We frown on that here. Trump is helping the American people as best he can.

    Is Yaelle talking about Jeff Bezos, or Donald Trump?

  77. There's been an on-going "American Idol 2018" thread starting the middle of last month. Up to over 1500 comments so far.

    If you want to wade into non-stop wrinkle bag white-racism and gay-hate, jump in anywhere. It's all over the thread.

  78. Bonus deleted comment of the day:
    To: WashingtonFire

    “Trump is an alpha male, if he gets a fine piece of ass , he doesn’t mess around, he bangs the ass off it!”

    This is the dialog you bring to a conservative Christian owned forum? Really?

    28 posted on 4/2/2018, 3:29:43 PM by itsahoot (Welcome to the New USA where Islam is a religion of peace and Christianity is a mental disorder.)

    Well, duh. And if Jim Rob is a Christian, I'm a radical Muslim.

  79. Check out this Orwellian headline.


    I just so happened to look at the Rasmussen poll yesterday, 4/3. His approval was at 49%.

    That's not soaring, Winston! That's a margin of error! Doubleplus ungood.

  80. Replies
    1. To all freepers ... please, please DO follow the lead of LTC.ret.

      And, to really make your point when you are visiting the FBI offices ... please exercise your 2nd Amendment rights and take your guns and wave them around while you are ranting and raving at the agents. You'll really get their undivided attention that way !

  81. Holy Rollers unconcerned with nuclear annihilation because Jesus.

    Russia Will Bomb U.S. Missile Launch Sites If Trump Attacks Syria, Ambassador Warns

    It's irritating how many threads on FR devolve into "but what about abortion and the 50 million slaughtered" blah blah blah, but they're somehow fine with everyone getting vaporized to fulfill their doomsday cult religious prophecies.

  82. .
    Big shit brewing in Freeperland due to Trump authorizing Syrian action !!!

    Delicious freeper tears are flowing freely !!!

  83. .
    And even more freeper tears ! It's a veritable banquet !!!

  84. .
    Barbara Bush in failing health
    Even I am surprised by the amount of assholery coming from freepers ... not just about the Bushs in general but about Barbara personally.

  85. Trump lawyer Michael Cohen's mystery client is Fox News host Sean Hannity

    Ted Grant:Kimba Wood, the slut, cheats on her husbands, and then sues them!

    That's pretty funny right there . . . accusing the judge of adultery while ignoring Michael Cohen's fixing of Trump's sexual affairs and covering up an RNC official's paying for a Playmate's abortion. (I guess he forgot what the RNC's platform is on abortion.)

    Teacher317: Hannity is under no duty to disclose any connection between himself and any story that he comments on. No such duty exists, even for news reporters. SOMETIMES, attorneys need to disclose these connections, but usually these connections are ignored.

    Riiiight. I'm sure they would totally uphold that standard for any non-Fox News talking head or radio personality.

    1. Michael Cohen, for all his bluster about being personally fond of the Trump family, is really nothing but a mercenary, a hired gun.

      He has a reputation of being one of the "bitchiest" lawyers in New York (and that's really saying something), but a fairly poor litigator who will threaten and stall before ever actually going to court.

      When the heat is turned up high enough, Michael Cohen is going to sing ... not only about Stormy Daniels, but about every dirty deed he's performed for the Trumps over the last decades.

  86. .
    Lynching memorial recognizes victims of racial violence in America
    Freepers, of course, are outraged ... not at lynchings, but that white men are being "victimized" yet again !!!!

  87. Caravan of asylum seekers is en route to the U.S.-Mexican border.

    Freepers like napscoordinator and Mears wish they were dead.

    1. The "caravan" probably isn't the best way to get into the USA for asylum, but a part of me hopes the immigration lawyers can get them all in just as a big middle-finger to Trump.

    2. I want to see Freepers come out against women, children, and infants at the border. Because we already know those concerns only attach to white mothers and infants. Free Republic has tried for so long to keep their white power ties on the down low, but it's pretty hard to hide now.

    One month ago, on 4/4, they trumpeted TRUMP SOARS TO 51% APPROVAL (see my post above from 4/4/18). So, has he "soared" from 51% to 50% in just one month? LOL. So much Orwellian winning.

  89. Now for your daily dose of freeper misogyny....

  90. I can top that one.

  91. And then there’s

    1. With a Michelle Obama post, you can always count on a huge helping of racism to go along with that misogyny.

  92. Can they seriously be complaining about a man dumping his wife?

    No Mercy: McCain’s First Wife Speaks Out

    1. Freepers are shameless, we all know that.

      Just for drama, I would like to see either of the following situations take place:

      1) Trump dies in office, and Barak Obama attends the funeral, sitting in the front row with Melania and Baron.

      2) Obama dies, and Trump attends the funeral and actually acts dignified and respectful for once.

      3) and most likely, GHW Bush or GW Bush dies, and Trump is relegated to a back row seat if not also banned from the funeral.

      In any situation, the freeper pants-crapping will be epic!

  93. Big surprise, Freepers take the side of the racist lawyer.

    1. Good article ... I'm actually surprised (and somewhat heartened) by the opposing "The lawyer is a dick!" comments on that post.

  94. "How the hell old are these people?"

    Very, very old. Old and wrinkley.

    The irony is that Jim Robinson (who is also very old and wrinkly and diseased) is probably going to outlive 90% of his posters.

  95. All of a sudden, Freepers come to the conclusion that you can’t save every life. Especially when somebody has to pay for it.

    US Hospital Refuses to Help Premature Twins Born Alive

  96. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth ensues over the vote to allow abortion in Ireland:

    Exit poll: Ireland projected to overturn abortion ban in landslide vote

    1. To: mooncoin
      I heard from a friend that Soros dumped millions into the campaign to kill the infants.
      76 posted on 5/25/2018, 9:45:18 PM by firebrand

      Continuing to eradicate Christianity and the white race by any sneaky trick possible.
      77 posted on 5/25/2018, 9:55:55 PM by firebrand

      Firebrand has some interesting comments through the thread ... boogeyman Soros and white supremacy are common themes.

      Hmmm ... maybe 100 years of documented clerical child abuse and cover-ups have diminished the church's influence on the Irish.

    2. "...eradicate the white race" -- isn't George Soros white? Oh, why am I asking a common-sense question.

  97. Has anyone noticed how conspicuously absent from Free Republic is any story at all about Elliot Broidy and his taking the fall for Trump's Playmate abortion scandal? It's like they won't even touch that one if only to label it "fake news."

    1. The second best part about Trump eventually going down in flames, will be the entire religious right going down in flames for proclaiming Trump to be the second coming of Jesus.

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. Trump attorneys' letter to Mueller spells out legal arguments against Trump sitting for interview

    Interesting that the Mueller crowd would accuse him of “obstructing justice”. Not possible. By virtue of his title and position, he IS “justice”.

    Interesting. Is that how they felt when Obama was president?

  100. My irony meter just exploded

    1. Not only that, but one of the replies calls Michelle Obama "Moochelle". Truly they have absolutely zero self awareness.

      On a side note, I wonder what Ozy is doing? You think maybe he's working for Robert Mueller?

  101. Oh, and just to add for fun ... 12 days to go until the start of the next 'thon, and JimRob hasn't faked this quarter's thon to a finish yet. Hmmm ... finally reached the point of non-stop fundraising on FR?


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  103. 500 Errors at freeperville, RimJob is scaring the wrinklebags into coughing up their social security checks

  104. More "sanctity of marriage" (as Freepers fret about retirement and the economy).
    CapnJack: Except you missed one thing, don’t marry a scheming B-och who after 18 years of marriage secretly drains your life savings; demands a divorce; wants half your 401K; wants half of the your houses value; and threatens you with a restraining order if you don’t give in to her demands and/or tell the court she took all the savings money during the financial filing for divorce.

  105. Sarah Palin says she was duped into interview with Sacha Baron Cohen

    yesthatjallen: Cohen doesn't use his name.
    His production team sets up the interview in legitimate terms. The trick here is the person being interviewed isn't allowed to know or see who he will be interviewed by until the interview begins. By that time the camera is rolling and the person being interviewed is very confused by what's happening (which is clearly visible in the interviews). It generally takes some time to realize what's going on; that they're being punked.

    Aw, poor snowflakes. I wonder if they feel the same way about James O'Keefe and Project Veritas?

  106. Freeper "TermLimitsforAll" acts like a bitch and a cunt to his brother and brother's family for years ...
    now posts a crybaby thread to other freepers about being mad he has been banned from attending his recently deceased brother's funeral.

    Thread becomes a laugh-riot as dozens of freepers also post stories of how they hate their own families and are mad because they have also been cut off.

    1. Lots of moaning about intolerance from a website that will not tolerate one true word about Donald J Trump. Pretty funny.

    2. It's really interesting to me that, professing Christianity, they also insist that their blood relationships and demands are superior to the existentially merging binds of marriage. Last I checked, the Bible is very clear that marriage is the highest, most sacred, most intimate, unbreakable, inviolable, and sacrosanct relationship possible between two human beings. To defy the spouse and place your relationship above them is to spit on the institution of Christian marriage and render it profane. But hey, since when have rightists ever had genuine religious beliefs?
