Friday, June 11, 2010

Obama the antisemite

Obama gives aid to Gaza, as is required by treaty, as Bush did back in the day. Freepers, already especialy strident about Israel these days, goes hilariously apeshit. Observe:

American Quilter is not happy tax money is being used how he doesn't like:

It enrages me that one cent of my money—taken from me by force, let’s not forget—goes to those anti-Semitic, anti-American barbarians.

Candor7 has this learned comment:
400 mil in aid, thats a lot of hummus.I wonder if Obama will order the US Navy to run the Israeli blockade to deliver it?

If so, Ameican ships will be in danger from Israeli fire.

Obama is a huge POS.Treasonous.Impeachable Offences are about to be commmitted by Barry Soetoro.
You know you can send money electronically now? But keep on indulgent in your Obama-Israel war fantasies!

colonialhk has the Chicago/Muslim connection:

Payoffs are the Chicago way and also the way things are done in the ME...Just call your Senators and yell at them again on this issue

MindBender26 knows Obama's true agenda:
Obama wants worldwide jihadist Wahhabi Islamic victory over the West. Is there any reason to believer otherwise?
Other than that your idea is completely crazy and unsupported except by crazy people?

HearMe speaks in honesty:

Lets be honest Bush did the same thing.

Still, Obama is different and his motivations are different.

Yey double standards! Really, it's what Freepers are made of.


Yo commie in the white house!

How about giving that 400 million to the the AMERICAN people!


The terrorists attack us ... and next thing you know we are sending them 100’s of millions of dollars! WTH!

1. Seems like he's for welfare, cause that's giving millions to the American people.

2. 9-11 cause by Palestinians now?

BigFinn rages us to the finish:

Good grief. What does it take to realize he is NOT for America? He is taking us down the path to TOTAL destruction. Add up all the negatives, from the people he associates with, to the corruption within the administration, the Czar shadow government, the dissing of Netanyahu and now more money to Hamas, the mysterious happenings on Memorial Day, to the 'present' on the oil spill... etc. etc. etc.

This is way more serious than anyone realises.

Not more serious than Freepers realize!

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