Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Th plight of doctors

Think BP has it hard? Freepers evince sympathy for the soon to be pauper-ridden medical profession:

cherry sees a dichotomy:
doctors work like dogs and keep getting the brunt of bama's ( and other administrations as well) budget "cutting"...

they could have partied in college and become teachers and never worry again....
Doctors: super noble, poor toilers. Teachers: lazy, stupid loafers. The key is to prejudge a whole profession - it sure saves on brain cells!

Keen-Minded sees a future horror:

My doctor told me this week that he may have to cut staff. He said it may come to patients seeing a physician practitioner before some one will see a medical doctor.

Way to go OBummer!

Got news for you...that apocalyptic feature is HERE!

Mom MD doesn't care about the evidence, she knows what is happening:
I figure I have about 3 years left to practice, until the worst of Obamacare hits. Then I’m out. I will not spend the last years of my career as a government employee.
goat granny sees Obama's true plan:

No doctor shortage, they will import them from the muslim world...

And they'll inject us with Muslimness, and we'll start suicide bombing, no doubt!

PA-RIVER thinks it may be worse - we may start killing the MDs!

Well, my Muslim friend who I debated with over healthcare, who also voted for O, said these doctors who quit should be rounded up and killed. My jaw dropped when he said that in resonse to my point that doctors will quit if the plan passes.

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