Thursday, September 30, 2010

Reagan and Goldwater would aprove

US News has a report by one Peter Fenn on how the Republican Party has drifted right since Reagan. But that's impossible, since everything Reagan did was perfect, so no progress should be possible! Freepers respond to this contradiction:

Lakeshark says no way has the Republican Party progressed since 1980!

Truth be told, I think Reagan would be cheering on the TEA party, and JFK would recoil in horror at what the democrat party has become.

Paperdoll thinks the Republican party has actually gotten more liberal!
This hack has no idea what Reagan or Goldwater would recognize or not! In fact, both of these gentlemen would probably carry banners for today’s Tea Party. They are no doubt now rolling over in their graves at what the Republican Party has become! How dare Fenn evem mention Everett Dirksen’S name! God rest all their souls. And shame upon shame on Peter Fenn!
Eddie01 thinks this article is part of some kind of commandment-based conspiracy:

They know exactly what they are saying. Here are the groupthink commandments that hang framed on their wall. It is their guide.

Thou shalt create an illusion of invulnerability shared by most members to foster excessive optimism and encourage extreme risks taking

Thou shall not allow any member to question the group’s inherent morality, instead members shall be encouraged to ignore the ethical or moral consequences of their decisions

Thou shalt promote collective efforts to rationalize in order to discount warnings, or other information that might lead members to reconsider their assumptions before they recommit themselves to their assumptions

Thou shalt reinforce stereotyped views of enemy leaders as too evil to warrant genuine attempts to negotiate, or as too weak and stupid to counter whatever risky attempts are made to defeat their purpose

it goes on like that for a while.

Opinionated Blowhard notes that things have changed. And that people from the past would not like the future:

Honestly, none of the mentioned politicians, and no Dem politician—even the most liberal one—would recognize America today. If you told any of them—even the Libs—that we had gay marriage and two trillion dollar deficits, they’d recoil in horror. That is the God’s honest truth.

And the founders wouldn't like all the black folks we have runnin free either!

pissant knows Reagan is to the right of even the craziest Tea Party folks these days:

“Something tells me that he(Reagan) would have more trouble with the Christine O’Donnells, the Sharron Angles, the Ron Pauls, the Ken Bucks, and the Linda McMahons....”

Reagan was more conservative than any of them.

Never mind that he was a union leader, or passed amnesty or signed a pro-choice bill as governor of California.

1 comment:

  1. For Freepers and other crazy wingnuts it seems that Reagan is the ultraconservative he never was. They project their own beliefs onto him, beliefs that Reagan would likely think was repulsive at the very least.
