Friday, February 11, 2011

1st Egypt, then The Islamic Republic of United States

For Freeper reactions to Mubarak actually leaving, see how they reacted when he was leaving yesterday, before his little 2-step. In short: "Muzlems takeover cause Obama's Muzlim!:"

So here is a prime example of Freeper's paranoia about Muslims taking over the US:

aces takes comfort in the inevitable:

God will kill them after we are gone
SamsFriend holds a long grudge, as Jesus would have wanted:

along with disliking Muslim (which I do ) I think we should also hate the pagans of Egypt to, for they were the first to kill the Christians in Egypt.
Diogenesis has some interesting ideas about history:

America, the UN, and Europe have FORCED Islam onto Iraq
and Afghanistan, and in the latter,
forced the BURQA BACK on women after they took
it off, briefly, when the US liberated the country.
combat_boots isn't worried about the US, but Europe is going to have a Christan Holocaust
Someone on another thread mentioned something that really stopped me in my tracks, about the choice Christians in W. Europe must make:

Boxcars or Burkas

I hope that choice doesn’t come here.
FreedomPoster has been yelling about the European Holocaust for a while now.

I’ve said for a while now that I fully expect to see concentration camps in Europe again in my lifetime. The only question is, Who will be running them?

I am not at all happy to be making this prediction.
Blood of Tyrants:
We’ll start playing Cowboys and Muslims before then. And we know how it came out when we played Cowboys and Indians.
Is Cowboys and Muslims becoming a new Freeper meme?

john drake makes it an official meme - genocide rocks!
Like the new saying goes.....”we haven’t gotten around to playin’ Cowboys and Muslims...yet”

A new Crusades will have to be called, and in order for it to be fully successful, we’ll need to round up the fifth column in this country first, and we know who they are. I never thought I’d ever have to say it but there are more traitors in this country than muslims...for now.
Yes an Inquisition against liberals BEFORE the Crusade against Muslims! Not crazy at all!

Marty62 is the best. He personifies the two-dimensional view of Muslims as movie monsters. Apparently, they're just like zombies:
Did anyone see 28 days Later?

It is about a RAGE virus that spreads throughout the population of England.

Apes were constantly beraged with images and sounds of violence, war etc. Some PETA types released the infected Apes and they proceeded to kill ever one of the P-types.

Anyway the few survivors struggles to stay alive and prevent being infected. In the end the rage infected zoombies began turning on each other.

Assuming the Rage infected Muslims do manage to kill all the “infedels”. Then they will turn on each other, consuming the flesh of of their own.
We have seen the streets of Cairo infected with the Rage virus. Tomorrow we will see how bad the infection really has become.
If Egypt falls to the Rage infected Islamist, will Saudi be next?
Will the people of the U.S sit by while the pockets of the Rage infected begin to release their Rage virus upon us?
Yeah, not people, mindless slavering ungly monsters!

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, I think Freepers are living in some dark fantasy world that only they can see where everybody else is some sort of cartoon villain.
