Friday, August 26, 2011

Freepers hate pacifists

Some small college in Indiana thinks the national anthem is too violent, and wants to replace it with some other song. Most freepers take the libertarian rout to say "they suck, but okay." Others, though...

struggle knows what to do:

Take their accreditation.


I hate pacifists. My daughter dated a Mennonite for a while and his parents drove us nuts. They felt superior about everything. His wife made a comment to my wife about military service being immoral. My wife was in the Air Force, her brother was a Marine and I was in the USN. I thought my wife was going to rip the the little hat right off her head.

ZULU worries about the growing threat of Quakers.

Unless people step up to the plate to crush this movement NOW and HERE, like political correctness it will spread like a plague.

Mennonites and Quakers are the parasites who were allowed to exist because brave men fought and died wars for freedom.

They most certainly should NOT be setting the standard for American behavior.

1 comment:

  1. CRUSH those pacifists and RIP those little hats off!
