Thursday, August 25, 2011

Obama's deregulation is all gay

Obama promises to massively deregulate the Federal government. Freepers know that it'll just be commie deregulation and still hate him:

is pissed Obama is even trying:

You know, the entire PREMISE of this is SO WRONG. Hussein is acting like he is doing a FAVOR? Since the time he has seized power, the premise has been GOVERNMENT GETS TO CONTROL THE ECONOMY. So this "relief" is being portrayed as GOVERNMENT HAS DEEMED THIS TO BE UNNECESSARY, SO GOVERNMENT WILL ALLOW YOU ANOTHER MEASURE OF FREEDOM.

Hussein's philosophy does not allow for the natural rights of man--it is a philosophy that demands control from ABOVE.

Don't be deceived folks, and gently remind any friends or neighbors who might be inclined to think Hussein "has learned his lesson" about regulation.

This is a dog and pony show. Nothing more. If Hussein cared about over-regulation, the entire DeathCare law would be repealed today.
SanFranDan knows this doesn't count cause of no drill baby drill.

“You LIE”
To be implemented in 2013, and still no drilling for oil in the Gulf.


Trim some regs til I get re-elected.


However, under the radar....spend, spend, spend.

is it time for another vacation yet?
Darn, I haven’t seen all 57 states or all countries.
Oh my, see my grey hair. I’m so workin’ it, I’m turning white.

Dubya-M-DeesWent2SyriaStupid! knows where all the money is going:

Obama spends this in a day aiding terrorists

CanaGuy knows Obama will only cut the good regs:
Oh, boy, here we go. I wonder which regs he's going to de-regulate? Probably all the "good" regs, if there are such animals.

And speaking of animals, he'll probably eliminate Meat Inspection, so everyone will get sick and die, which isn't entirely outside the Utopian domain with progressives.
JudgemAll is saying something about gays and arabs, but I'm unclear what...

That contempt and disdain is the weirdo “queerdo” feeling of government these days. They go abroad and are trashed as diplomates, laughed at, and they do not even admit it or see it. The hypocrisy of the diplomacy has them pimped like little girls by foreigners.

I cannot stand these shameless queered’ up government ranks swelling up like this, and this is why Issa et. al. do not go after Zero, because he is doing a good job in their eye, while Zero bows down like a shamed little boy to retard goat humpers in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan etc...

But the destruction of relationship that Zero is fostering is terrible, and now Congress is mulling whether it is going to be appeased by Zero’s funding them stuff, slapping him on the wrist instead for bad behavior south of the border in arms smuggling.

THis is where all this budget is for... it is like a Union bargaining from hell and of death... of this budget this and that because you got this and that agent killed, quid pro quo type settlements...

These people live in another campus.


  1. I think you're missing the point of this site, sparky....

  2. @Anonymous,
    Perhaps you should look through the PolitiFact site you linked to. You'll see that Obama has kept, compromised or is still working on the majority of his promises. Only 9% of his promises have been broken. And keep in mind, the president is not a dictator.
