Looking at this guy's posts, he may be as delusional as any Freeper, but he posts in little snippets that don't quite set off as many alarms as the rambling walls of text you see from others. But put them all together and you see an angry and persecution-filled fantasy world.
Looking at this guy's posts, he may be as delusional as any Freeper, but he posts in little snippets that don't quite set off as many alarms as the rambling walls of text you see from others. But put them all together and you see an angry and persecution-filled fantasy world.
How to make sense of the world:
Obama HATES America and LOVES Islamic terrorists.Slavery everywhere:
Now EVERYTHING makes sense.
The DNC supported slavery ... against Lincoln,Congress is all bought off by underage prostitution:
and STILL supports BOTH al Qaeda
(giving them MANPADs, WMD, and Fast&Furious weaponry)
and slavery worldwide.
Congress will do NOTHING.England's slavery trade:
They are too involved with their kiddie brothels,
their treason, their sudden appearing money from
America’s enemies, and their popularity with the
treasonous MSM.
There are no MEN in England.Holder's REAL message:
They permit their youngest girls to be SOLD
outside Gatwick and elsewhere by Islam, and for Islam.
More from Holder:
Undocumented Tyrant's GunWalking AG (and hero of al Qaeda):
"Of course we took their emails, tax and medical records.
They did not have a Koran."
Senator Thune is in danger!
Undocumented Tyrant's GunWalking AG (and hero of al Qaeda):
"Families of crackers and Jews have no rights
in this Caliphate ... I mean Administration."
Oh, oh. He and his family and neighbors willBoehner might be in on Benghazi:
be audited and tapped in retaliation.
This administration is evil.
Would not put it past Holder to instigate violence
against them, either.
Boehner does not want to pursue benGhazi.Obama's release that drones have killed four America Citizens?
Did he help the treason?
Which side is he on?
Wag the DOG to attempt to erase FAST&FURIOUS,Why Lois Lerner took the 5th:
the benGhazi atrocity.
She MUST protect the Tyrant or she will be AuditedObama's response to Benghazi:
and her family killed by Deathpanel.
the pRes_ _ent probably celebrated with crack,Connecting the dots:
cheering as it played on TV before him, cheering
as he did when the WTC towers came down.
911 Atrocities ===> Obama PROTECTS and WEAPONIZES al QaedaHillary and Huma's turn!
Hasan ====> Entered USA with Obama (at Inauguration,
Cole ====> Terrorists released to kill again by Obama
Quantanamo ====> Terrorists released to kill again by Obama
Benghazi ====> Terrorists weaponized, paid for AND
protected by Obama and the US State Dept to coverup
weapon transfer to al Qaeda.
"The Moslem Brotherhood
and al Qaeda are happy with the MANPADS.
They now are WAITING for your 'green light'
for them to remove the patsy Ambassador,
and take down that problematical Seal Team."
Diogenesis, like many other freepers, likes to indulge in a game of "Freeper Mad-libs" ...
ReplyDeletestringing together random chains of conservative scare words in the hope that maybe they will make the occasional coherent statement.
But, like the real game of mad-libs, absurd hilarity always ensues.
WTF are "manpads"?
ReplyDeleteAt this point, FReeper language has more in common with magical incantations than with ordinary English. I don't think their views are gonna become popular regardless, but it might help if people could follow their arguments without using the official FR secret decoder ring.
MAN Portable Air Defence Systems
Delete...shoulder launched anti-aircraft missiles in essence.
Well I'm glad someone understands. I wasn't sure if it was some weird derogatory reference to sanitary towels!
DeleteI didn't know either, but I was thinking along the lines of 'kneepads for men' which would fit in with Freepers obsession with gay oral sex.
DeleteDone wagglebee yet?
ReplyDeleteWagglebee, one of the holiest-of-holies on FR, disappeared without a word sometime back in December.
DeleteNot to worry though, her vile flag of bitterness is being carried by many other freepers.
Odd, was certain I had seen a Moral Absolutes ping recently.
DeleteMaybe the list got transferred to someone else.
Little jeremiah (the second most holy-of-holies on FR) still puts out the occasional Moral Absolutes ping, with a notation to freepmail wagglebee to be added to the list.
DeleteHowever, wagglebee, who posted daily for years (articles and replies), suddenly disappeared mid-December of last year.
I'd like to think that she suddenly had a revelation about FR and freepers, but I doubt it.
I always read those Diogenesis posts as bad poetry and imagine him performing at a poetry slam somewhere in middle America.