sport knows all the Dems plans:
The Democrats want gun control for one reason and one reason only:To disarm you[and me] in order for obama to complete the plans he and Democrats have for us safely with little or no risk for them. That plan is? Our deaths. Either by their police or mobs.SampleMan's fear of a black President:
Obama’s statements following a Zimmerman acquittal, “Despite the racist and unjust actions of this stupid jury, I cannot fully condone riots. Not everyone of these typical white devils deserves to be raped and murdered. We cannot allow these racist actions, not matter how reprehensible, unforgivable, and screaming for vengeance, to consume us. Although Trayvon was like a son to me, I will not be immediately ordering a military strike on the entire city of Sanford. But let there be no mistake, after the rioting, raping, and pillaging, the white community will have to answer for what they have allowed to transpire.”rarestia is preparing for the racial wars:
I don’t fear for my life. I fear for my country. My soul is prepared for what is coming, regardless of how it descends upon us. I’ve made my peace with the Lord and am prepared to defend myself, my wife, and my family against anyone or thing that would do us harm, even if that thing is a group of feral blacks.brent13a judges all gays on those he gets domestic violence calls on:
As a police officer I have seen some of the worst domestic batteries come out of homosexual relationships.Even Secret Agent Man's sarcasm is racist
I have yet to encounter a "well to do" homosexual couple that both had good jobs, and they stayed together "til death do us part". Every homosexual couple I've encountered on the job are trash, live like trash, and behave like trash.
With every homosexual couple I've encountered on the job, one or both of them have attempted suicide before.
Every homosexual couple I've encountered on the job each gay is emotionally stunted and highly unstable and they engage in all sorts of self destructive behavior to the detriment of themselves and everyone around them.
The percentage of gay couples that stay faithful to one partner is infinitesimally miniscule.
My solution would be to start the American Minority Repatration Act of 2013, to mandate immediate that all the ill-treated minorities (blacks, hispanics) will be sent back to their home countries where they can flourish and prosper in those safer, superior, native uptopian communities free of white American racism.arthurus explains that gay marriage leads to women becoming slaves, somehow:
All of these things are in reality only ploys by the communists to gain total control. When they have that control then certain ideals of the Feminists, and homosexualization of the society is very much part of their own goals, they will see that it marginalizes women perhaps to the level of Moslem women. Men will rule, even when women have the votes to force the direction of that rule and men who get their sexual gratification from boys until they take real wives will turn women into cattle and women will then lose even the power of the vote. That is the history of male female relationships outside of the Judaeo Christian tradition, at least in Western civilization and in central Asia.GreyHoundSailor on the gays:
Here’s hoping the future brings more successful suicide attempts.ragamuffin knows the right can only win on immigration by raving about invasion:
I wish I could scream the following from the rooftop, but do not seem to have the ability to make it widely known; “If you control the dialogue, you control the issue”.dennisw was hoping that Texas filibuster woman was fat:
RINO’s and libs control gained control of the issue when they, unchallenged - merged the invasion of our southern border into an immigration issue! Understand that, and we can understand how Americans have been duped. THIS WAS NEVER ABOUT IMMIGRATION, but now Obama and his predecessors, ignoring their few actual Constitutional mandates - protecting the USA borders - is magically legitimized as feel good political dogma.
For conservatives to regain the issue, we MUST regain the dialogue! This is ONLY about America being invaded by a foreign country; Mexico. Resolve this invasion alone! If people wish to tweak our immigration policy, then do so separately. Immigration is important - but totally unrelated to what’s happening on our sothern borders!
I figured she would be a Jabba the Mikulski clone but I was wrongI have no idea what Old Yeller's point is, but it really is racist!
So glad Mama Robinson made the trip too. It must be hell to live in the White House and have everyone serving you. Gotsta git out sometimes.Patriot Babe on the Apocalypse and Sarah Palin being Jesus Jr.:
Yes something will happen that will bring this nation to its knees. I believe that things will get worse as long Obama is in power. I believe God is using Obama to punish this nation when things get so very bad God will intervene and will help usher in Sarah Palin. I truly believe and I just this feeling when I first saw her that God has a role for her in the last days. I truly believe in my Heart she will become our US President.dps.inspect has also decided the world is ending:
These are the end of days. If you are not on board with Jesus Christ, you will go down with this earth ship, and it is going down. There will be no revival of America, she is done. All that is left is to plan to be ready for the Rapture, and to be weary of the coming great deception, for, if possible, even the elect will be deceived. Whatever you do, do not take the mark of the beast and whatever entities come upon the earth, they are not what they want you to believe. Make your stand with Jesus...Buckeye McFrog is now pro-terrorism:
When Al Qaeda detonating a nuke on Pennsylvania Ave. during the State of the Union speech when all the major players are in town is a BEST CASE SCENARIO....The latest Zimmerman trial witness has freepers like laplata really excited:
Toespi has also decided to generalize based upon this one example of a shy, overweight girl.![]()
That woman is a typical, functionally illiterate, American.
And she probably votes more than once.
The all new improved face of America. All one has to do is watch Rachel Jeantel testify at the Zimmerman trial to fully understand what is happening to this country.Like a good freeper, at this point all evidence convinces Ronin that his chosen position is correct:
Does anyone else get the idea that the prosecution is intentionally throwing this case? I mean, come on, every one of the “witnesses” to date have either supported the defense or have suffered major credibility issues.SeminoleCounty is ready for riots!
I can’t see, short of outright bribery or blackmail, how anyone could vote to convict. But we all know what will happen if a “not guilty” verdict is returned.
I would not want to be living in any major American city when the verdict is released.
I will be arming myself....GrandJediMasterYoda realizes that if you assume illegal immigrants aren't people, the logic gets much simpler!
Some of the Black Racists are making threats of riots....Those racists dont realize, that, if Zimmerman is will be easier to cap their black racist arses
I mean let's forget for a second that illegals are even people. Make pretend they are plants. If poisonous plants were floating over the border killing people and we had a way to stop it but instead our reps go "No no no, let them come over and kill people...matter of fact we will even help the plants come over" well what is that? That's treason if not a flat out terrorist act. Life in prison for all of them!"bgill has discovered that the pic of Obama coming out of the water is totally fake, from studying Obama's wang and abs:
They not only lighted up the usurper but gave him pecs and a package and even gave him different color (red to black or the reverse?) swim shorts.Obama's in Africa, and Doc Savage's racism is at a maximum now (thread was pulled)
1. AP/Congo: Poison Dart Fells Courageous Afro-American Leader During Visit To Place Of His Birth
2. Spear Throwing Exhibition Off-Target As American/Kenyan Hoisted On Own Petard
3. Aided By Witch Doctor Michelle Obama Casts Fatal Spell On First Kenyan; Children Cheer
4. Lion Mauls Presidential Visitor Ands Eats Him Alive While Wife Looks On Disinterested
5. President Stricken With African AIDS During Visit To Senegal Bath House - Lapses Into Irreversible Coma
6. US President Renounces Title: To Rule As Shaka Zulu 2 - Never To Return to America
I love that "send them back to their home countries." Their home country is the USA. Unless you want to start repatriating all the white people to somewhere in Europe...
ReplyDeleteBut don't you dare call Free Republic a hate site! It's all just a smear, don't you know.