Thursday, February 28, 2008

Barak Hussein Obama: Secret Muslim?

Hildabeast Thursdays called on account of it being a boring retread of last week's Hillary deathwatch.

I have posted in the past about Freeper's suspicion that Barak Obama is a secret Muslim. But as time has progressed, so has the story. Freepers remain split on the issue. Hence this article: "Enough With All Of This "Obama Is A Mooslim" Crap" For the purposes of amusement, I'm going to focus on the arguments of those who think he must be a secret Muslim, not those who argue for sanity.

And away we go!

He’s probably a crack-smoking BI-sexual. Whether he’s really a crypto-Muslim or not (and he might be) isn’t important. What is important is that it’s ammunition that can be used against a Far Left Liberal Democrat (probably Communist) candidate.

Let’s not pull our punches against the Dims. They never do with us. Remember what they did to Nixon.

the ends justify the means, eh FFranco?

LdSentinal has a logical, reasoned argument on this issue:
His middle name is HUSSEIN,

Obama is as Muslim as Saddam, Uday, and Qusay.

Of course, Obama denies these associations, but, as billmor (God Bless Out Troops and Gold Star moms and dads) notes, that's just what you would expect a secret Muslim to do.

All of his actions remind me of a classic infiltrator: blend in, work with the system, learn how it works and learn it’s weaknesses..Be ready to strike when the situation is right..He has the brains, the looks, and the financial backers to try to achieve his goals..
the best part..about the above the two dot ellipses..

Well there you have it. As evidence piles up that he's not a Muslim, only the craziest of the Freepers hang on. We can only hope they manage to make their voice heard.

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