Monday, March 3, 2008

South American war?

Hmmm. No one but America can make war justly, right? And then not if Dems are in charge!

livius discusses causes:
I suspect that Ahmadinejad is behind this, but I don’t think he or Chavez has the capacity quite yet to really attack us (since Colombia and Israel are perceived by Iran and VZ to be our proxies). I think it’s just going to be noise, something they’re both good at. Still, it does represent an odd shift in focus, or perhaps a new focus, which is not an encouraging sign.
Yes, that international supervillian Ahmadinejad! Of course he's behind this!

But things really get rolling when jdm (Contrary to popular belief, the search function works just fine.) asks:
What would Hillary or Obama do about this situation?
mamelukesabre (Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?):
Lick boot.
Doomonyou (Let them eat lead.)
Open the door to the U.S. for hundreds of thousands of refugee's "Displaced by the war" to be cared for at taxpayers expense.

Obama re-instates the draft to fight his wars in Iraq, Pakistan, Kenya, and Bolivia.

All males between the ages of 18 and 35......get your bags packed.

Though Lancey Howard (When seconds count, the police are only minutes away!) has a rosier view:

It will be a “narco war”, no question about it.
South America needs a good cleansing anyway. We can give Uribe whatever extra arms we have.

If the Dem's are in office, this means a draft or horrible weakness. If the R's are in office, this would be a good war to sit out.

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