Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ahhh! Death!

I just want attention...

The recent electoral results in Mississippi's 1st District do not make Freepers Happy. What are their prescriptions to right the GOP ship of state?

Clintonfatigued (Karl Marx supported free trade. Does that make him a free market conservative?) wants to throw Bush under the bus:
Can anything be done to keep Bush from speaking at the Republican National Convention this year?
Oh dear, abandon the Great Leader? This is SERIOUS!

Theodore R. ( Cowardice is still forever!) can point to exactly when Bush became a RINO:
[Bush's] decline started the day Terri Schiavo was murdered — March 31, 2005.
*sniff* never forget! Whine about it FOREVER!

But back to Republican reflexive blame. JLS hits us with this gem:
...[T]his is the GOP history. They threw Nixon to the wolves and were blown out in 1974. The Dims on the other hand defended the indefensible with Clinton and minimized their losses. But go ahead, blame the most conservative president since prior to WWII.
yeah, if only the Republicans had stood by Nixon...what a missed opportunity.

Norman Bates (Freepmail me to be part of the McCain List!) says the GOP needs to go into straight rabid, trapped animal mode:
Never again. NEVER. No new tone. No nice guy. When they’re down, don’t kick ‘em, shoot ‘em.
I think angry partisanship is a great tone for the GOP to take! What an awesome brand!

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