Free Republic has rewarded such a gracious comment as one might expect:
paterfamilias starts us out down at kindergarten level, and it only goes downhill from here:
“I’ll tell you, that lady is five times better-looking than I am,” she admits.”
Guess again - more like 500 times...
CatOwner goes for an old Freeper favorite:
"I'll tell you, that ladyishas five timesbetter-lookingthe class than Iamdo"
Because one's politics dictate one's class.
lmc12 also breaks out an old trope:
Tina, real beauty radiates from within, you are crushed in that department. Sorry.
Somehow I don't think he's sorry.
I doubt rintense would kick Tina Fey out of bed for eating crackers, despite what he posts on the Internet:
I agree as well. Tina has ears that stick out and a heart-shaped face. Sarah actually looks a bit like Angelina Jolie to me.
Minus_The_Bear is just plain mean:
It always amazes me that a person like Tina Fey can work in show biz when she has that huge facial scar.
UCANSEE2 ends his post with what I assume is a dig at Obama:
P.S. Sarah Palin’s father didn’t desert her.
rintense posts without irony:
I think Sarah probably charmed most of the SNL crew. its so hard for lefties to separate politics from the person. They don’t realize you can disagree with a person’s politics but still like the person.
And we'll end up with Always Independent's crazy gun/violence fantasies:
I wish Gov Palin would have had a piece under her jacket is the skit when alec Baldwin ragging on her.
It would have been funny to just see her open her jacket and flash the piece to baldwin and his expression from that.
It also would have been funny to see palin and fey do a skit where palin invites her to go into a room and then show fey emerge first looking like she just got the snot beaten out of her and palin next looking nice and fresh.
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