Get real, 0bama! The entire democratic party are socialists now. They are no longer liberal in the traditional sense of the word.
Socialism: state or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.
Are the Dems advocating government ownership of production?
Its no secret. HE’S AN OPEN, OUT OF THE CLOSET, MARXIST COMMUNIST!!!!!!!!!!! He needs to be called what he is, using his own words.
Marxism: a belief that this dialectical historical process will ultimately result in a replacement of the current class structure of society with a socialistic society.
Communism: a political system wherein a single party state administrates a socialist society.
Has Obama ever mentioned the historical dialectic?! Has he talked about how a single party state would be cool? (NOTE: Bush has, but he was joking.)
Marxist Obama's condescending tone and choice of words (always with malignant blames and Stalinist accusations) are a key to his fuming hatred of all things for which we stand.
Marxism: see above.
Stalinism: Communism through use of propaganda to establish a personality cult around an absolute dictator, as well as extensive use of the secret police to maintain social submission and silence political dissent.
An accusation isn't Stalinist unless the target disappears.
I trust Freepers will continue to misuse these words in an attempt to re-fight the Cold War, but I thought people should know how wrongheaded this current debate is.
For your information:
ReplyDelete= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Those who know very little about the true Stalinism might learn a lot from my short and easy-to-read 2008 book entitled "Hell on Earth: Brutality and Violence Under the Stalinist Regime." Excerpts are at:
Please share this URL with those who might be interested.
P.S. It is not a scholarly volume with new information or ideas; it is an educational book for those who know very little about tragic aspects of Soviet history. It mixes well-known facts, described by survivors of gulag camps, with comments and observations worth discussing.
As shown on the back cover, the book was not written to make money (royalties are committed to a scholarship fund); it was written to expose horrors of proletarian dictatorship. The book is dedicated to all victims of Stalinism, including my idealistic father. My goal is to place as many of its copies as possible in homes, libraries and bookstores. But that is a very difficult task, especially for a self-published author. Would you, or someone you know, be able to review my book for a local, or not-so-local, newspaper? A review would probably convince bookstores that the book is worth ordering.
Pasting the above book information into messages to potential readers, librarians and bookstore owners would be highly appreciated. The topic deserves it.
Thank you for your help.
Ludwik Kowalski, Ph.D.