Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Freepers make their own polls!

Wow. There's enough bad news about Obama at the moment, but Freepers have been traumatized recently, and so back to Fantasyland!

Logical me has done a poll of all his friends, and no one likes Obama!
I think Rasmussen is full of BS. I, like most of my acquaints, feel it is below 50% and dropping like a stone. Only the hard core and the Hollywierd jokers are still in the cult fellowship.

avacado agrees
One thing is for sure, it's just going to keep falling, unlike how Bush started out at 50% and rose to 90% after 9/11. Obama will NEVER see 90%.

Hmmm, I wonder what that means about the left's patriotism versus the right's?

italianquaker has his own numbers:
I heard on Rushs show it is 17 pct, 13 pct under President Bush, wow what change

I suspect these guys are in for something of a surprise in the near future...


  1. "Logical me" should be informed that n=1 (or more likely n=0, since all friends are probably imaginary) is not a representative sample.

    Love your site, btw. Just found it today after banging my head against the wall while reading this Freeper thread:

    "Dick Cheney" + "honourable man" in the same sentence = my head exploding.

    I needed something to dull the pain with humour after that. Hence your site.

  2. Glad to be of service!

    I can't stop reading Free Republic for some reason, and I thought I'd at least entertain some other people with it.

    Yeah, I saw that thread this morning. That is some prime crazy there.

  3. @Ozymandias - I was actually thinking of doing something like this before I found your blog. I like to entertain myself at FR, too.
