Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Knee-jerk opposition.

Fewer Civil War threads these days. I guess now that Obama has stopped steamrolling over everything, Freepers have stepped away from the edge and turned off Red Dawn.

Not that they don't still slaver for another 9-11 to teach everyone a lesson.

Now during the election, Freepers were all excited about "Joe the Plumber" populism. But, of course, when Obama wants to cap CEO pay their philosophy takes a sudden turn:

Chris DeWeese has an interesting idea of who pays taxes:
Women and minorities hardest hit....
Seriously, if only rich people pay taxes and you lower their income...

Yes, only CEOs pay taxes. I guess me and everyone I know is a CEO and didn't know it!

Salvation also tries - and fails - to out-populist Obama:
How about pay caps for the president, vice-president, cabinet members, senators and representatives.
Then you can hit the private sector.
Clean your own house first.

Yeah...the President makes about 400K. Senators and Reps made 165K in 2006. CEOs make like 5.5 Million.

jackmercer also tries a flanking maneuver, and ends up in crazytown:
[I]f we are going to do this bailout, we need to be as draconian as hell with the conditions so as to make the incompetent executives either jump ship or get their act together so they can repay us. They have to know that the gilded age of a 14 trillion dollar monopoly money, shadow banking system with credit default swaps, CDOs, SIVs, MBSs, etc are over.

Wow. Not much of a libertarian there, are ya?

Fee is sorta confused:
Look at the three US centers of finance, New York City (finance and trade), Chicago (commodites) and San Francisco (Pacific trade and finance). All three cities are located in blue states, represented by Dem Senators. Wall Street gave more money to the Dems than GOP hoping to curry favor. Lenin would be proud, “capitalist will sell the rope that will be used to hang them”. LOL LOL LOL !!!!!!!!!

Wow, I wonder why all those blue cities make so much money...hmmm...I thought Dems strangled industry.

EBH tops the thread with this crazy little cherry:
Directive 10-289 ends economic and personal freedom in the United States. The government now controls every aspect of an individual’s economic life; it is a dictatorship. The best minds, can’t tolerate this change and choose to retreat.



  1. Uhm... first day of work, President Obama (oh I love saying that) put a pay-raise-freeze on all persons working in the White House who make above $100,000 a year. I assume that includes him.

  2. Damn! I heard that but forgot. Good point.
