Thursday, May 7, 2009

Obama's GM

GM isn't doing so hot. Freepers fit this into the whole Obama narrative:

has explained why the economy is doing well lately: socialism is like opposite day!
The DOW should be up 500 points on this bad news.
The Obama socialist economy: Bad economic news = Dow Up.
meyer also hopes for GM to fail, now that it's totally Obama's.
Is there any protection against FIAT just draining our money and asking for, and probably getting more and then closing the Chrysler plants?

Given the government's and the UAW's position in this mess, I could see myself rooting for Fiat to do just that.
nascarnation thinks GM's woe can be turned into political gain by attacking unions!

The subsidy really isn’t to GM or Chrysler management.
It’s to the UAW.
That’s who the Baraqqis are sending the money to.

If the GOP had any brains, they might sieze on the fact that taxpayers are gonna subsidize the retirement payments and platinum benefits of hundreds of thousands of union members and beneficiaries.

Extra points for Baraqqis. Racist AND wrong.

P-Marlowe thinks Obama's economy is horrible:
A recession could very well turn into a depression.

We're already there.
Redleg Duke is a bit paranoid:
Wait until next tax season when there is a box to check off for you to prove that you purchased at least one unit from "Government Motors". You will have to include the proof purchase. Those without the box checked off will automatically be placed in the "To Be Audited with Extreme Prejudice" inbox at the IRS.

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