Friday, May 29, 2009

Tired of the noble minority already?

Freepers are all about being the victim. Persecuted and ignored, they live for the day the economy crashes/terrorists take out some city, when everyone will call them super smart and then swoon into their manly, gun-toting arms.

So I must admit some surprise about their reaction to this one black lady who wishes Obama were more like Bush. I guess the popularity of Obama has them actually worried there might be some permanent change in America.

knarf is a bit smug:

heh heh heh .... reality check, kids.

freekitty prefers uncomfortable metaphors:

Ah, knowledge making it’s bloody entrance.

prismsinc has an anecdote that proves the rule:

I’ve noticed our local WPEC news 12 at 11 went absolutely silent on Obama every night after the Notre Dame speech. They actually did pro-religious reporting!

I’m getting the impression that local networks aren’t thrilled with Obama anymore. Something’s happened. The cult is coming down for certain media sectors.

Le Chien Rouge also has some wisdom - from made-up black people!

Even before the election, I’ve heard several middle class black friends of mine say that the first people who would turn on Obama would be black folks on government aid who are expecting the world from Obama.

Deb has a real black person anecdote to report. You can tell cause he's "adorable."

On CNN during Katrina, they had live footage of an adorable black man who had just been rescued and kept saying, “God bless George Bush!”, but when they re-ran it as part of a clip package, the audio was stripped and the narration was decidedly anti-Bush.

NonValueAdded has a prediction:

Seeing that on the regular alphabet soup channels too. Civil disobedience has been hinted at.

The passive voice has been used.

Keep following that dream, wignuts!

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