Viking2002 agrees[Alaskan Blogger Linda Biegel] is a bitter anklebiter who leeches off the teat of Alaskans. That’s evil.
As a result of leeching off the teat of Alaskans, she has become fat and ugly.
Therefore, her looks are part and parcel of the evil and ugliness that is in her soul. She is the entire package of evil and ugliness.
I will not stop criticizing her ugliness in looks and spirit, because the truth is the truth.
Why do liberals generally look like diseased rodents?Turning to Jews, pburgh01 has some analysis:Seriously - the more pissy and vile they are, the more they look like plague-carrying wharf rats. Just another trait they share - both are vermin and unfit to breathe human air.
The Secular Jew as has been described. They take offence quickly to any perceived slur and love to play martyr when it’s convenient . They love their Judaism up till about 5 minutes after the Schindler’s List credits have rolled, then it’s just a hassle.bustinchops thinks the Jews were [are?] asking for the Holocaust:
Secular Jews support leftist candidates for the same reason lots of them in Europe stayed quiet when Hitler rose to power. They thought their silence and acquiescence could buy them favor with people who wanted to kill them.
RIGHT NOW Secular Jews think being for liberal policies will make people like them and prevent persecution. Well after 5700 years how has random periods of pacifism worked out?
The other type are proud Jews like Mark Levin, David Horowitz, etc. unabashed, unafraid and willing to stand up for personal liberty and righteousness .
Cobra Scott has a metaphor for the new Republican party:By and large, I like Jewish people, but when I reflect on the fact that they voted 78% for ostammer, I sort of understand how they ended up in the ovens.
Really, really stupid move.
But I’ve also concluded that American Jews don’t give a damn about Israel, so there’s no clear explanation.
Cmon GOP, it isn’t a big tent, it is a big campground with lots of connected little tents, each one with a patriot inside ready to defend themselves and their country.Miss Behave knows who to blame about the two US journalists being held in South Korea:
I know it's irrational but I can't but blame Algore for this. He is so lustful for money and relevance that it goes back to him and his ambitions of TV success—and as is always in his case, the only way he ever gets ahead is at others’ expense—and in going for shock and fear.Well, at least she acknowledges it's irrational before launching into unsubstantiated blaming.
rcrngroup is this close to worshiping a graven image of Sarah Palin:
How in the world does God allow a stunningly beautiful, competent, articulate, patriotic, conservative, Christian, pro-American like Sarah Palin to be ripped & raked over the coals & dragged through the mud by idiots like 0boooooomba, Biden & the evil, lamebrain media is beyond me. I don't understand why He chooses to bless & prosper evil doers like 0booooomba & the demoRATs while he allows Sarah Palin & her family to be tormented & afflicted by the insane, deranged lefties. Sarah Palin does not deserve the hatred & vitriol that the deranged leftists are heaping upon Sarah & her beautiful family.
I have two wishes 1) That Sarah Palin is our next president of the U.S. and that 0boooooombashiite gets thrown out on his ass. 2) That the deranged lefties (including Letterman) who torment & revile Sarah Palin will roast for eternity in hell.
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