Friday, June 5, 2009

Saturday Pix

Watch out, giant injured Uncle Sam, Obama just did 9-11, and now he's gonna kill you! His cockpit Mohamed-teleprompter commands it!

This picture is so deep! It's a metaphor for all liberals!

Wow, this is...troubling. Especially the smile on Obama's face.

Out the window, I see Stalin, I think Castro and...Putin? Nice Soros shout out as well. Freepers need their supervillains, after all.


Soros again!

Wow, the Quota Queen's crown sucks.

Such photoshop skillz!

Nevar Forget! And always overgeneralize!

Oh, sweet Jesus.

What the hell is this?


  1. That's Lenin, Stalin and Marx behind the window.

  2. That last one looks like Helen Thomas.
