Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Freepers in a deamon hainted world/

Out of the many murders that take place in America, one of the more recent ones was committed by a Muslim. Freepers response is typically hilariously over the top:

Leisler totally reads things:

There are three books that I have read that basically made no sense, that were written by madmen. My Struggle by Hitler, On Capital by Marx, and the Koran.

Later, Leisler discusses how crazy people are all a hoax anyhow:

Funny how few mentally ill people step in front of buses, get in fights in serious biker/off duty LEO bars. It’s almost as if they rationally pick and choose.

Funny how those getting federal/state wacky checks are so hip to every single free cheese benefit, right, key phrase words, how to manipulate.

Of course we have a huge, tax supported mental health industry. And it grows itself, more staff, more products, more demands for state support.

Freedom'sWorthIt knows what this is all about:
He was demon possessed. Not mentally ill. Those eyes show it.
mkjessup lays it out:

Islam is a demonic death cult. Of that there can be no question. The perp joined that death cult. The perp then proceeded to go on a murderous rampage. Here is the table of events:

a.) Dumb ass becomes a Muslim.

b.) Dumb ass starts absorbing the Islamic pro-death philosophy.

c.) Demons oppress and possess said dumb ass who opened the spiritual door.

d.) Demon possessed dumb ass murders a bunch of innocent people.

e.) Demons all high-five each other “TOUCHdown!”

f.) Dumb ass is arrested, charged, convicted, executed.

g.) Dumb ass goes to Hell to meet his demonic mentors.

This means LiveFreeOrDie2001 is in danger:

I work with a lot of them and see the praying every day.

Pray for me.

Cvengr on the demon cosmology:

Becoming Muslim isn’t just another philosophical consideration or lifestyle perspective. It invites a very demonic spiritual domain into one’s life which is well documented with evil consequence.

Demon possession might very well cause someone to run amok, however the person might also still be held accountable for their criminality.

newfreep has the plan:
The Koran is truly the "Book of Satanic Verses".

Anyone remotely defending this cultish book, islam-for-mooslums or trying to give credibility to it as the moral equivalency to Christianity is pure evil and needs to be exported to their utopia of sand demons.


  1. Wait Leisler, if there is no such thing as insanity, how can free republic keep on churning posts like the ones made by newfreep or mkjessup ?

  2. Demonic possession, sand demons, a cursed book.... freepers are either eternally stuck in medieval times or they have been playing way too much D&D.
