Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Freepers will defend the ACORN Pimp to the death!

Remember that guy who had these sting videos what shed some poor light onto ACORN? He, as I'm sure you've heard by now, has gotten arrested for breaking into Louisiana Senator Mary Landru's office and somehow messing with her phone system. And then admitting it. But to Freepers he is already a hero, and thus can do no wrong. Freeper spin machines go to work, though of course they needn't work too hard at it.

wmposh thinks this is like Batman, and Watergate, somehow.

Well when your in a era of corruption people take things into their own hands. With cronies in all areas of the government, from the feds, the courts, the state governments, news media what would you expect. Remember Linda Tripp and the Nixon gang at watergate. It will be to bad but if they go to the watergate model instead of looking at government corruption another injustice will be done. Thank God they cannot blame this on Bush

Ronbo1948 is ready to riot:

if the people who arrested O’Keefe & company don’t have every “i” dotted and every “t” crossed they are going to get some serious career wrecking incoming rounds from the patriot side of the street.

The country is in no mood for Leftard frame ups.

Not that the existence of a frame up matters to Ronbo1948
Even if O’Keefe is guilty as sin, I will stand beside him. He’s a patriot on my side of the line in this civil war. In fact, even if O’Keefe becomes a convicted felon, I would consider it an honor to shake his hand. His heart and loyalty are in the right place. After all, the Senator in question is corrupt and a socialist, a traitor to the U.S. Constitution and Enemy of the American People.
driftdiver agrees:

EVEN if this kid did, which I doubt. IMO he was mostly likely framed. This act PALES in comparison to the things this Senator admitted to. This act also pales in comparison to what is happening with Acorn.

We need to quit attacking people fighting the good fight and focus on the evil communists seeking to put us in the ovens.

JoeCT keeps his eyes on the prize:

Damn! Those tapes would have produced some juicy juicy audio i bet.... DAMN!!! SOOOOOO CLOSE!!!!

We were just one succesful felony away from embarrassing a Senator in Louisiana!

BP2, and many others, milks those black panthers so much most cows would have gone dry by now:

If they are guilty, I’m sure Eric Holder will ensure there’s “justice”.

But let me ask you — do you think Holder wields the hand of justice evenly? Google “black panthers voter intimidation” and tell me what you find.

Moral absolutism enables those who have no morals.

Watch “The Untouchables” to get a feel of how playing by the rules all of the time — in a corrupt system — does nothing but empower the criminals and corrupt trusted officials who feel they’re above the system.

Oh yeah, back in the day, we did things all manly-like, without the Constitution. Yep, the 1920s were awesome for everyone!

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