Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The invastion of Mexica-Americans

What, Freepers be racist?

Nea Wood on what Mexicans are all saying:
"WE will tell you when you can wear your flag colors, gringos! You WILL respect us. And by the way, you evil, racist, Nazi, gringo bigots, we DEMAND to be allowed to live amongst you. We demand NOT to be deported to our home country...where everybody is so much better than you are!"
w1andsodidwe heard a story on talk radio which is totally true:

On the way to work this morning I was listening to KSFO. A woman called in and related the story of how the mob of Latino students attacked her car yesterday in downtown Morgan Hill, because she waved an American flag. There were police all over, but they did nothing. She was forced to run a red light to get away from them. Then a policeman stopped her and said that his watch commander had ordered him to arrest this woman. Ultimately he did not do so, but she was pretty shook up.

HuntsvilleTxVeteran has an interesting notion of what self-respect is:
A person has to have self respect before they even know what respect means.
They only care about their status in their tribe.
Some would say that having a gang gives folks self respect. Unless they're like ants?

Lucky9teen knows what to do with students who are American Citizens but protest for respect of Mexican heritage:

Sounds like 200 students who need:

1) to be suspended
2) to be properly educated
3) to be deported to Mexico

and maybe all of the above?

hiredhand thinks death is the answer:
If most of our Governors, local leaders, and school administrators were worth a shit, they'd just apply a little encouragement to these junior grade criminals, and sit back and let them do what we know they would do. Then call in the ANG and let them mop up the resulting mess. These little terrorists would probably be a lot less enthusiastic afterwards!
hiredhand continues with his plans for the crazy:
The interesting thing is that they don't really understand the notion of respect. On the other hand, they understand violence and force very well. In an attempt to maximize our communications effort with them, we should communicate using methods that they understand. Oh sure...they'll get the living hell beaten out of them... but they'll gain an entirely new understanding of respect.
fullchroma's irony meter is broken, and he can now only make ironic statements:

When you start respecting the laws of this country, including the First Amendment, I will reconsider.

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