Friday, May 7, 2010

Oh my stars and garters!

Freepers are all atwitter over Obama saying how many nuclear weapons we have. Just that. Just the number. But to Freepers it's treason!

originalbuckeye is sure this vital info will lead to serious results.

This REGIME is going to get us all killed!!

MarkL demands results now!

I’m sure Chia-Head in North Korea will announce that the Norks are cutting back on their nuclear arsenal as well, and Iran will immediately stop their nuclear weapons program, in order to sit around a campfire and sing Kum_Bay_YAH with President Obama and Secretary Clinton...

originalbuckeye sees this as all part of the treason.

That was my first thought the day after the election in November 2008.

‘Now all our enemies will know all our secrets’. Too sad to think about.

JudgemAll blames Obama's racism:

Treason and racism and race card. They hate America, America the white or what not. It is obvious who they work for.

The black and foreign Nazies are on the rise again. I am surprized no Hitler is yet surfacing from Europe yet.


We are dealing with the most evil and perverse that ever breathed. That others have seemed to be more evil and perverse is only because they have hhad more power than these do at this point in time.

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