Thursday, May 27, 2010


Freepers are pretty excited about this whole Sestack being offered a job if he didn't run. There could be a crime there, if you could prove intent. Plus people seem to be forgetting about it as the holiday looms. But Freepers have visions of impeachment dancing in their heads:

Art in Idaho gives not so hopeful sounding advice:

Keep repeating it.
Maybe it'll catch on like that Joker thing did!

driftdiver notes that Obama doesn't actually need to do anything wrong to be impeached:

“He’ll take his hits for the dem machine - no way does he have “proof” that will get to court...”

Don’t need that for impeachment and probably can get away with it for removal. Not that it will happen.

(I think they forget who is in control of Congress, or they are deep in their 2010 election fantasy.)

CurlyDave notes that if they succeed, the result wouldn't be so bad:

Biden is a dumb as a stump, but he isn’t really a socialist.

Fool! The talking point is ALL DEMS ARE SOCIALIST/NAZI/Al Queda!

Rapscallion starts a list:


1. Attempted bribe

2. Cover up of a crime.

3. Spending without appropriation of funds from Congress


rockabyebaby adds to it:

4. Citizen?

5. Communist

Lest some Freepers come to their senses, Rapscallion reminds them:
Remember Clinton was impeached. Historically, impeachment is its own reward.
We'll see what history thinks if Republicans actually go for the impeachment of every Democratic President from now on, eh?

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