Friday, January 14, 2011

Liberals are Satan!

Freepers one-up the Hitler comparisons and discuss how liberals are actually the devil:

ViLaLuz thinks we'd better establish a church before tolerance and hubris rule the day!
Once God was banished from the public square, the politically correct religion of moral relativism, diversity and tolerance rushed in to fill the void. Men think they are God.
Biggirl has an explanation for the AZ shooter's motives:
That mugshot of the AZ shooter, which showed by his eyes how “demonic possessed” he is.
StonyBurk thinks the Constitution might let the Devil come in:
When a Memorial cross erected in 1934 on Sunrise Rock by Veterans
ofWWI. when that memorial is now construed as some violation of the Establishment clause— either the courts or the written constitution are WRONG. And the Devil
comes in
UnChained thinks liberals are actually "supernatural evil."

Jesus spoke of the devil as real and cast out demons but about half of the people who call themselves Christian have no idea that supernatural evil exists.

Even here on FR the 'Liberalism is dumb' crowd outnumber the ones who rightly see it as evil.

It’s interesting that the left has no qualms with admit to the existence of evil. Only they identify godliness as evil, hence the visceral hatred of Palin.

The struggle of good versus evil is more significant than anything political. An election alone can’t deter us from the headlong rush to Gomorrah.

What we are seeing are the beginning steps to the silencing of dissent and even the eradication of certain voices especially the Christian. REV 13:12

jwparkerjr ...I have no idea what he is saying, except that if you don't believe liberals are Satan you're crusin' for a bruisin'

The number one rule in warfare is this: Know thy enemy

And if you're the enemy one way you help enforce that rule is to keep your opponent off-balance by obfuscating your true goal and intentions.

Look at how much effort the adherents to Islam make to come across not as the enemy, but as misunderstood worshipers of a religion and god of peace. Or how much communists have invested in hiding their goals in the language of liberalism and progressives.

Satan has a lot of names in the Bible, but the one that best describes him is almost certainly the one that identifies him as the Father of Lies. His favorite trick to to convince those whom he would beguile that he is their friend, and has only their good in mind.

It started with Eve, when he convinced her God had given the instructions regarding the forbidden fruit, not for her benefit, but because of His selfishness, wanting to keep its power for Himself.

IMHO it's pretty telling that Satan still depends on the very first ruse he's recorded using, projection, and it still works so well.

Again, IMHO, if you believe in, and trust God, and you don't perceive Satan as as certainly a source of evil in your life as you view God a source of good, then you're cuisin’ for a bruisin’! And these are bruises that can last forever.

Wildbill22 sees Rand and Orwell as being awesome evangalists for the evil that is liberalism.

I believe liberalism at it’s core is evil.
Not the scary monster horror movie type, but the insidious one, with false premises of good intentions.
Where morals and any standards are compromised and whittled away in never ending shades of gray to the point that there is no point.
Where we are taught good is bad, ignorance and weakness is strength, God/religion/spirituality is evil, truth is lie, and lies are truth if yelled loud and frequent enough or enforced through the use of tyrannical force.
George Orwell (1984) and Ayn Rand (Atlas Shrugged) have painted the best pictures of hell since Dante’s Inferno.

1 comment:

  1. So...anyone who appears to have good intentions is evil? That certainly explains why Freepers seem to be selfish bastards. It's the only way they can be sure they're the good guys!
