Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Free Republic mentions me!

An Anonymous commenter slogged through a huge butterdezillion post to find a mention of yours truly!
Vikingkitties and fogbowers, please take note of this and stop with the brain-dead “misunderstanding” of what I’ve been saying. Soros thinks he is doing good. He thinks that freedom should be sacrificed for security, and that communism is the answer to the world’s problems. This is what he himself has said publicly. He is afraid that the US will win the “war on terror” because then America and capitalism will be strong, and he believes America and capitalism are the world’s greatest evils.
Yes, the Soros of your world is truly a misguided powerful villain! In my world he's just another rich liberal.

So Vikingkitties (whichever Freeper you are), you and your liberal friends such as those at Fogbow need to ask yourselves whether you really believe that a well-intentioned Soros, Putin, or Ahmadinejad should really be deciding what clothes you can wear, what food you can eat, what house you can live in, what job you can do, what you get paid, what information and/or entertainment you can access, and what you can believe. Is that REALLY what you support? Because that is what communism and/or Islamism ARE. The freedoms of America and the free choices allowable by capitalism are what George Soros (who self-admittedly owns the democratic party) has publicly declared war on, AS GOD (in his own mind). Is that who you stand with? Is that where your allegiance lies?
Freedom of thought's been hanging by a thread since Clinton's Presidency! It's amazing it's lasted this long, given the vast hidden conspiracies that have been working all this time.

It's almost as if the shadowy threat is just shadows...
I dare you, Vikingkitties, to put this whole context in what you publish from here. Have the courage to engage in TRUE dialog rather than not actually HEARING what I’m saying. I’m torn between laughing at the “misunderstanding” of what I’ve said, and actually trying to engage with people who don’t seem very interested in listening anyway. It’s a free world; people can think what they want to think. But it’s sad when people are suckered by tyrants who are only using them to destroy them later.
Because I clearly secretly know the Truth of the yearns butterdezillion spins, from the secret Obama meeting with the Supreme Court to the coming declaration of martial law after the Soros-planned collapse of the US. But I gotta go all Alinsky, because never chalk up to stupidity what you can to evil supremely powerful forces!

Also, too, Re: Zimmerman's trial:
Attention vikingkitties and fogbow people:

“Prosecutor John Guy confirmed there will be no medical records, effectively confirming that there was no hospital trip.”

Indirect confirmation. (”effectively confirming...”). Standard legal reasoning.

I rest my case.

At the risk of putting thoughts into Ms. butterdezillion's head, the main difference between butterdezillion and myself seems to be the threshold of evidence before we each assume a conspiracy. I think conspiracies are hard to maintain, and secret ones more so. I therefore require quite a bit more than setbacks from unknown causes.

butterdezillion thinks there are people of superhuman zealotry and will behind every mysterious happening, and that even lucky breaks for conservatives are probably just setups for the larger scheme.


  1. "Indirect confirmation. ('effectively confirming...'). Standard legal reasoning."

    Wow! Butterdezillion must have attended the same law school as Orly Taitz.

  2. Butterdezillion (I know you're reading this), I first learned about you and your batshit crazy blog when Dr. Conspiracy took apart your arguments in your "Red Flags in Hawaii" article which you claimed to have spent thousands of hours researching. You are so desperate to see conspiracies everywhere that even the most innocuous event. You are so neck deep in confirmation bias that I doubt you'll ever find your way out.

    Have you ever heard the saying, "Two people can keep a secret if one is dead"? The sheer number of people that would have to be involved in this conspiracy makes it impossible for it to have gone on this long without someone accidentally slipping up and spilling the beans. Besides, if the state of Hawaii is confirming this, there's no need for a conspiracy because they are the ultimate authority on who is and is not a U.S. citizen for everyone they issue a birth certificate to. As your fellow Freeper allmendream pointed out once:

    "It is like accusing the President of counterfeiting money with collusion from the Treasury. You MIGHT be able to prove that there was a conspiracy with Treasury - but I don't see how you could convince me you could prove the bills printed were 'forgeries'.

    If the Tresury prints the bills they are genuine.

    If the Hawaii DOH prints the COLB it is genuine."

    As for your conspiracies about George Soros, how in the world would one liberal billionaire have more power than people like the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelson?

    1. Butterdezillion here. I have shown documentation that the HDOH has altered their 1960-64 birth index to include names from legally non-valid BC's. There are 4 August 1961 BC#'s that don't work with EITHER of the 2 contradictory numbering systems described by HDOH officials (one current and one the local registrar in 1961). The 1961 State of Hawaii death certificate for Virginia Sunahara has a T.H. (Territory of Hawaii) file number - showing not only that the document was forged at the HDOH but that somebody at the HDOH went to extra trouble to put in a red flag to show it a forgery. I've got tons more stuff that I could document regarding the lawlessness at the HDOH.

      In addition, the draft registration forgery had to be an inside job by somebody at the Selective Serve Administration.

      Obama's passport file was breached 3 times (the last breach being days after the photos of the forged COLB were photographed at Obama's Chicago campaign headquarters) and the IG who investigated the breaches supposedly never even checked to see if any information was changed - though sources close to the investigation said that the breaches were to clean up the record.

      Obama is using the same social security number as was assigned to Harrison Bounel and fails e-verify.

      IOW, every legal document Obama's got is accompanied by known fraud on the part of the bureaucracy that's supposed to be maintaining integrity.

      And the HI state registrar "effectively confirmed" (to use the language of the journalists...) that a legally valid birth record for Obama does not exist. According to your own argument, that should settle this issue.

      As to what level of evidence of conspiracy warrants a legal investigation, the IG for the Dept of Health and Human Services said that even so much as a blurry or vague seal is reason to check the ENTIRE set of legal documentation for a person. According to that IG's report, half of all the state DOH directors in the US said they had caught their own workers committing document fraud.

      Regarding Soros, I wish you and the others here would actually read and comprehend what I've said. Soros has allied himself with terrorists, according to his own statement that he doesn't want the US to win the "war on terror". I believe that he has united the enemies of America (communists and Islamists) and that TOGETHER those enemies control enough money to hold the free world hostage.

      I've gone over some of my reasons for believing this but if you wouldn't read and comprehend it the other places I've said it, you won't do it here either.

      The sum of everything you people here are saying is, "Conspiracies don't happen. America has no enemies. The government is absolutely trustworthy. Taitz is crazy. Let's not talk about the evidence."

      As I said in my post, you can believe what you want. I just think it's sad that the people who are deceiving you will eventually use the power you give them and destroy you with it. I'd like to spare you that.

    2. Hi, BZ! I should say that I may make fun, but I do think you're quite smart, and I know you act out of compassionate fear for others. I am kinda thrilled you read my little blog.

      I don't pretend to be up on social security fraud, so I leave dealing with your more esoteric evidence to others. But I want to point out passages that seem more like declarations based on a story you like than actually proven things:

      "Obama's passport file was breached 3 times (the last breach being days after the photos of the forged COLB were photographed at Obama's Chicago campaign headquarters)"

      "I believe that [Soros] has united the enemies of America (communists and Islamists) and that TOGETHER those enemies control enough money to hold the free world hostage."

      Conspiracies may happen, but they shouldn't be one's first assumption.

    3. Hi, BZ!

      Again, you are using more confirmation bias. None of what you said is even remotely proven to be true. I read everything you said the first time you posted it on Dr. Conspiracy's blog and your arguments weren't any more convincing this time, either.

      Like Ozy, I have little doubt that you are very intelligent. But even the most intelligent person is not immune from confirmation bias. The problem here is not that we don't read and comprehend what you say, it's that we do. You just think that because we don't agree with you, that means we don't understand what you're saying, and that is classic confirmation bias.

      I may not be able to claim that I've spent (wasted, in my opinion) thousands of hours researching these things, but logic and common sense tells me when something doesn't pass the smell test. I don't need to research further when simple knowledge of how things work suffices. Like how the massive conspiracy you're describing would be impossible to pull off without at least one person leaking it. Like how as ruthless and power hungry Hillary Clinton is, she somehow let this slide when she could have been president. And like how even if you could prove that Obama's birth certificate was forged, the fact remains that it is backed up by the state of Hawaii and is therefore legitimate.

      I appreciate your concern for us, but none of what you're saying makes any logical sense. And please stop with the strawman arguments. No one is saying that conspiracies don't happen, America has no enemies or that the government is absolutely trustworthy. You saying that we think that only serves to lower our opinion of you and certainly doesn't make us want to listen to what you say if you can't even understand our argument.

    4. "effectively confirmed?"

      cough, cough, bullshit ...

      At which law school do they teach this legal concept? Oh, that's right, none.

      Furthermore, your "effectively confirmed" fantasies pale beside actual, legally confirmed reality.

  3. tl;dr Butterdezillion said, 'stop mocking my conspiracy ramblings, and start getting scared.'

  4. At base, the problem with this kind of conspiracy-mongering train of thought isn't even the high chance that such a secret arrangement would be quickly discovered and outed.

    If you go in for conspiracy theories, you're missing the whole point of having that sort of truly vast wealth and power. Left or right; liberal, conservative, libertarian or communalist, it doesn't matter. Anyone with wealth beyond avarice, and a lunch schedule full of top-rank political and business magnates, has nothing to fear from operating completely in the open. There is no fear or consequence from "exposure," particularly in modern America, where every boneheaded position imaginable is given equal time in the name of media balance.

    A shadowy conspiracy is pointless and redundant, a literal waste of time, for anyone in a position to take advantage of one.

    1. But BZ's narrative is that the bad guys are evil paladins trying to remake the world, not just out for a buck.

  5. Wow, Ozy, you have hit the big time. Even Butterdezillion (how did she come up with that name?) is paying attention to you. She is the paradigm case of right-wing nuttiness for me. She is of above average intelligence (well, may that is not so paradigm) but always comes up with the most convoluted stories. Nothing is the way it appears. The shortest line between two points is NOT a straight line. No sir.

    She is obviously mentally ill, but still able to function (I guess) in society. Reading FR makes me think that the prevalence of mental illness in the population is way greater than people think it is.

    1. It is pretty exciting.

      I agree BZ is smart, but has a mind that fills in an awesome cloak and dagger story where a more mundane story is much more likely.

      Say what you will, her world is much more exciting than our own.

    2. Her world may be exciting but I wouldn't want to live in it. My world may be mundane, but at least I don't live in fear that my life could be ended in an imminent biological attack or by a heart attack dart at the behest of George Soros.

    3. Doomsaying wouldn't be so popular if it wasn't pretty fun for some people.

    4. Oh I know, Ozymandias. For certain people a world doomed to fall (but they are members of the elect that will be saved) is more preferable to a world that is arbitrary and chaotic.

      Although to be fair, BZ's world is fairly arbitrary and chaotic because the Dark Lord Soros does many arbitrary and chaotic things merely to ensure Obama is in the White House. Why he would go to such trouble? What would a "usurper" gain him that another eligible puppet would not is of course a mystery of the ages.

  6. Ozymandias,

    Just came across your site after reading the latest delicious idiocy and insanity of BitterDelusional over at Freak Rethuglic. Knew the Fogbow reference but had to dig to get her Vikingkittie reference.

    Having followed BZ for some considerable time, I would respectfully however disagree with your view that Nellie is intelligent. Persistent...yes, obsessed...yes, deluded....certainly, intelligent...not so much.

    A woman who has stated repeatedly that her antics are not acceptable in her own home or her husbands church, someone who PROUDLY states how she has alienated all her nearest and dearest is not intelligent.

    A woman who regards the plain and LEGAL statements of the HDoH, binding Constitutionally and in law as to fact of the birth of the President in Hawai'i is in BZ world is actually "proof" that he wasn't is not only dumber than a bag of rocks but wholly certifiable.

    A woman who states as "facts" opinions with exactly zero factual reality or even linkage to the reality based world is not intelligent.

    Let us take her "proof" that Breitbart was murdered with some imaginary "heart attack dart" which somehow injected him with Potassium Chloride leaving at most a "small red mark".

    Problem is the reality is that based on the real world and real physics, to do this would require a crystalline needle between 8 and 30 inches long (1mm base rod or cone).

    Then said crystalline object would have to dissolve instantaneously, would self guide itself to avoid any and all organs, push itself into one of the main arteries of the body without breaking and occur without either Breitbart or the passer-by who tried to assist him being aware of this dirty great stiletto o' death.

    Na'h BZ is far from the sharpest tool in the box, then again she's a Birfoon, what else would one expect.....

    1. Her drive has allowed from some impressive, if sample biased research.

      I daresay you are mixing up Intelligence with Wisdom. I recommend more Dungeons and Dragons.

    2. Oz, that comment led me to dig into the FR archives to find an old post where they argue about D&D.

  7. Butterbutts is just hilarious. She thinks Soros and Obama are so all powerful that they have silenced every conservative critic on the eligibility issue, which she accepts as immutable truth on the say so of a nut job who offers no evidence, let alone proof. Yet she and Taitz and all the other nutters continue their very public campaign completely unfettered - they don't even get a visit from the men in black. She blames any tech issues on cyber attacks from the regime- does she really think that if Soros and Obama can silence the whole legal and politcal community, they couldn't do a better job of silencing her than stopping the sound on her laptop?

    She is both ridiculous and to be pitied - alienating her family and community, and becoming a national laughing stock because she hates having a black President so much.

  8. Think they're aware of the Cracked forums yet?

  9. As the owner of Fogbow, I'd like to thank butterbutt for bringing your blog to the attention of our members. She is one of the more delusional birthers, but she did correctly detect that we're kindred souls. When we first read her latest rant to "vikingkitties and Fogbow," some of us struggled to find out who our fellow sane people might be, and now we know. Glad to meetcha, and always remember: Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

    1. How did I not know about Fogbow until now? Great stuff!

    2. While Fogbow is primarily about mocking Birthers there are some very interesting political discussion there as well. I have met a few of the members and they are fine folks.

  10. everything utternutter believes just has be true so that she can stand nobly twixt everything in the shire that's good and holy and its destruction under the blood-drenched boots of the brown hordes of dark lord soros and his puppet usurper.

    because if that weren't true, she'd just be another nutty housewife on the internet.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hey, a big smooch-smooch to Butterdizillion for pointing us to your blog! I will add you to my good guy links at my blog -

    I would love to interview Butter on my radio show time. It would be a hoot.

    I could go into a long comment debunking all the usual nonsense but let's just talk about Harrison J. Bounel. Al Henedershot, the goober skip tracer from Alabama, abused his access to Acxiom's database and found an entry tying a "Harrion J. Bouenl" to the Obama's Chicago property. Now these databases are notoriously inaccurate and the say so right in the disclaimer that Hendershot won't publish. The purpose of these databases is to make as many connections as possible whether they are wrong or not. A real investigator would verify information independently as the disclaimer says you should.

    So now Birthers have built a vast conspiracy around this Bounel person out of a single entry in a database. The whole thing about the SS number is similar nonsense.

    Anyway, thanks for what you do here. You have been at it a while too. Good work.

  13. I have looked upon your works, as a mere mortal, yet I do not despair.

    However, I feel compelled to add that the color scheme is really really tough on the eyes, especially the black headings on gray.

    Otherwise, best wishes and keep it up! Careless anti-American seditionists like BZ need attacking lest they sicken the Republic. Folks like you are the leucocytes of the rational world.

    1. Interesting point about the color scheme - I may do a metapost asking about it next week.

  14. What happened to Butterdizzy? Did she figure out she couldn't go whining to jimrob and get everyone zotted here?
