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I'd still hit it.... |
Civil War is the only way out:
I don’t like this ride, I want off. Unfortunately, the way things are looking, there seems to be only one way off, and it ain’t pretty.She knows where the inevitable Civil War will begin:
But I believe most of us know this already.
I have stated on a couple of threads....I believe NY will be “the first shot” we have all been anticipating.Uhhh....:
Then all heck breaks loose from there.
Long story short, got my $400 less than normal fed check back, went to eye dr. for new contacts. I also need new glasses.People should stop talking about the down-there-no-no-zone:
I WANT Sarah glasses. The lady said the rimless were more expensive than reg and much more fragile, but I MUST HAVE Sarah glasses.
I KNOW you and your Sarah peep list have plenty of photos. I told them I was coming back w/ a pic of the glasses I wanted. I need a pic of my favorite Sarah glasses to bring!
I know she has worn quite a few so I need a little help!
I thought about starting a thread, but felt stupid doing so, which is why I’m bothering you, lol.
I could google her pics, but I wanted it to come from FR (I’m a sentimental fool).
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. Nothing wrong w/ a thread that consists of nothing but Sarah pics =).
Thanks (((hug)))!
I vividly remember when my father (old time cowboy) saw the first ads for feminine products on TV and flipped out...
I hate those as well. I find them very embarrassing, even when I see them alone.
I want the prude days back, where we had some damn privacy! She's celibate
In real life, I am the only celibate one I know. A lot of people think it’s “lonely”. I say no, I’m alone, not lonely.And an aggressive evangelist:
I was lonely and miserable while still in the dating life.
Now, I am alone and no longer lonely and miserable.
Funny how that works.
I get blank stares when I bring up the truth about the Tyranny of zer0’s regime.But WAIT!
Ditto. Oh, and I'm also a "Jesus Freak". God forbid I talk about Christ and our God given rights.
As a single woman, God forbid I conduct myself the way Christ said single women and widows should live. I'M the abnormal one because I don't whore myself out.
He can't come back soon enough! The world is sick.
Nooooo, I'm still a girl =)!!One girly thing is her facebook drama:
Just checked my FB. They deleted the videos, including this one, that I posted last night. I never had any trouble before until....
I added my cousins wife, well, we all actually became FB friends again. She unfriended my sister and I during a heated barry debate. Well, debate on mine and my sisters part, pure “emotion” on her and her friends part.
My uncle died last week, and you know how funerals go, hence the “re-friending”. Now I’m having trouble w/ my FB? She was the ONLY lib I had on there. I un-friended her and sent a message to my sister as to why.
We promised no more heated “debates”, so I guess she’ll just go behind my back and get my postings deleted.
Not anymore!
Mental illness is a sad thing. I'm delighted to be financing her Palin glasses, though.
ReplyDeleteYou are delighted to be financing MY Sarah glasses?
DeleteI'm sorry, perhaps my memory is not what it used to be. I could have sworn I saved every single dollar I could (took a while), from MY PAY CHECK. Do you even know what a pay check is?
Then our gracious uncle sam gave me some fed money back, in which was OWED to me (overpayment, as usual), minus $400.
I've needed new glasses and contacts for over a year. I finally got the money to purchase a NECESSITY....."the fact of being necessary or indispensable", just in case you didn't know what that word meant.
I believe being able to see is a necessity.
Again, how did YOU finance my glasses and contacts?
DeleteDon't want to beat this to death but most of us males would love you tenderly and then ravage you with a force of a thousand god's..we just think your political and religious stance suck..
Nograyzone is batshit crazy....serious mental illness. No wonder she is unmarried and in her 40's. (besides being a frigid prude). I don't believe for a minute she is happy being alone..she post all night every Friday and Saturday night.
ReplyDeleteCouple more crazy post by NGZ:
In the first post below she did an exorcism on her cat and the second is about her coworkers think she is crazy and one is a supposed witch.
Nope, no toy. Totally weird situation. I have never had such a thing happen, even when I had 3 cats.
I grabbed Mary, put my crucifix upon her and told whatever it was to go (took several times).
I know in doing so was a great threat to myself, but I could not help myself.
My Mary has NEVER behaved in such an evil way against my Mimi. I knew there was more to it than met the eye.
Mary struggled against my “dispossession”, with my crucifix upon her head.
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Amen! The more I become Christian, the more the “peeps” at work think I'm a weirdo, even though they trust and like me.
For some reason, people are very reluctant to speak of God, and His Son Jesus Christ. I am trying to change that.
Just wait until the witch starts spewing her venom and I get on my knees to pray!
I'm sure I'll be “called in”. Although, the boss took my side one time when I refused to participate in a group mega lotto, which we do for fun when the amount is really high.
This witch said, in front of me, she was going to do one of her “spells”. I right then and there REFUSED to participate.
She went into to the boss pretending to be upset about my refusal (once again, trying to get me in trouble). Quite to her surprise, he told her under NO CIRCUMSTANCES, when it comes to a company anything SHE WAS NOT TO DO ANY OF HER WITCHCRAFT CRAP!
She was shocked and dismayed at his reaction. I still refused to participate, as I do now, because I don't believe her.
If, by chance, we actually won, she would brag, and let everyone know, especially me, she did one of her spells.
Of course I would NOT accept ANY of that evil money.
I'm surrounded by evil on an almost daily basis. Real evil, those whom practice it (who's lives btw are a TOTAL train wreck).
I tried to explain to them when you invoke evil, they play back, and they play dirty....to no avail.
Oh, and by the way, your creepy trolling sucks. You need more practice. If you're going to talk about me, at least get your facts correct and learn how to troll properly.
DeleteEvery Friday and Saturday night? I was curious about your comments so I went and checked my history. If you consider 6:41pm on a Saturday night "all night", you have serious problems.
You should see a doctor. Perhaps they have a pill for whatever ails you.
Couple more..Nograyzone makes it so easy..heh heh
ReplyDeleteIn the first after the election she and her BFF do some hot lesbian action on the floor:
"My bff and I (was at her house for election night, my cable still out because of Sandy) were throwing ourselves around on the floor, crying and hugging. We just could NOT accept it."
Nograyzone always talks about how poor she is and struggling financially but still finds money to send to rimjob the grifter:
"I have a tubberware I put all my change in. Although, I usually cash it when I need food (I once had to sell some gold to pay my rent, how embarrassing).
My cut hours, and now the extra taxes I get to pay, the change will probably pay for my substinance.
I also have 2 cats I am responsible for. Any extra money I have goes to the FReepathon.
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After reading that, I think she's not lonely because all the voices in her head keep her company.
DeleteI, like many people, are 1 pay check away from being homeless. Gee, how am I able to support the FReepathon?
DeleteIt's called a BUDGET. FR is fully member supported. I'm sure you already know that though with all your trolling.
I must say, it's very flattering to have an entire blog page dedicated to ME!!! Little ole celibate me!
What I find disturbing is that my celibacy seems to disturb a lot of you. Apparently you'd prefer me whoring myself out. Says more about you than I.
It's not your celibacy that disturbs us. It's the actual words you say. They just don't sound like things that a mentally healthy and happy person would say. I know that you hate that there's a Democrat in the White House because Republicans own and are owed the presidency. But you're making the Bush Derangement Syndrome sufferers seem sane by comparison.
DeleteBy the way, the fact that you see your only options as either celibacy or being a whore, then that speaks volumes about you.
DeleteAs others have posted your celibacy does not disturb us..except you are somewhat attractive and it is a waste that you spend all your life fighting political and religious windmills when you should be out having fun and enjoying life and have a meaningful relationship with a great guy who you will grow old with.
Nothing wrong with having premaritel sex with someone you love before marriage...it binds people together.
"I, like many people, are 1 pay check away from being homeless. Gee, how am I able to support the FReepathon?"
DeleteIf you are one pay check away from being homeless why in God's tarnation are you giving money to a grifter? Where are your priorities?
Maybe save up that money and you won't be one paycheck away from being homeless. If rimjob cared about his "flock" he would accept advertising but in reality he won't because his sites viewers are down and he won't get as much money so it's easier to get money off of gullible poor people.
I think NGZ would be much happier and calmer if she got laid once in a while.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteNow that's kinda mean.
DeleteRead her hateful comments regarding "liberals" and get back to me.. My comment is nothing compared to what spews out of her mouth.
DeleteI agree with kidglove3s.
DeleteTake the hate somewhere else.
DeleteI agree with the 2 other posters.. please remove my earlier post...life is too short to say this kinda stuff and be hateful.
Sorry, was away for the early weekend. Done!
ReplyDeleteApparently the site operator is not going to delete the post. My apologies for saying what I did. I was not raised that way. Hope you forgive me for them...they were uncalled for. I don't agree with your politics and should have left it at that.
We all have bad days and say stuff we wish we hadn't. Good on ya for the sincere retraction. (Just - don't go down that road next time, okay?)
DeleteI thought it was mildly amusing. You still got to improve your grammar though.
Delete"Probably sucking her bosses cock every morning more like it and the horror of it all (lol) makes her mind go blank."
c'mon !
NGZ is the first freeper I sincerly feel sorry for. I hope she finds a man and chills out !
ReplyDeleteOr a woman. I have my suspicions.
ReplyDeletehmmm "My bff and I (was at her house for election night, my cable still out because of Sandy) were throwing ourselves around on the floor, crying and hugging" certainly sounds suspicious
DeleteYour "suspicions" suck, as well as your "instinct". You trolls should know by my postings I am anti-homo.
DeleteHowever, I did learn something from you about the lesbian life. We just KNEW the gays were miserable...."Very uncomfortable or unhappy; wretched", just in case you didn't know what that word meant.
According to you, lesbians spend their time crying and throwing themselves around in misery, tsk tsk tsk.
Please, don't feel sorry for me, it's a waste of time. Most of you should be looking in the mirror and feel sorry for yourselves.
Oh, I know very well that you say you're "anti-homo". What was that old saying about protesting too much?
DeleteAnd when did anyone here equate being gay with being uncomfortable or unhappy? Although when they are unhappy, like anyone else, they may console and comfort each other. Nothing to do with being gay, just being human. But you probably don't think gays are human.
And are you seriously asking us to not feel sorry for you when you posted "I actually feel bad for you people" just yesterday? After all, "what's sauce for the goose is now sauce for the gander."
Wouldn't it be freaky if the rude anonymous commentator was NoGrayZone herself posting her deep seated desires and then reacting in utter horror at what she wrote?
ReplyDeleteNo, it wasn't me. It's bedtime now. A friend linked me to this "blog". When I have the time I will reply to the rest of it.
DeleteI must say, the only people pretending to be someone else seems to come from your side.
Tea Party, perfect example. YOU people HAD to BEG your side to infiltrate our Tea Parties and behave "wildly and odd" in order to dismiss us as crazies.
If the Tea Party had such people, you would NOT need to infiltrate us.....just "record us" doing so.
But you couldn't. Therefore, you had to "hire" your minions to do so.
I actually feel bad for you people.
Hi, NoGrayZone! As always, it's pretty cool to see an actual Freeper comment on this blog. I may disagree with you in substance and often on the facts, but I enjoy reading your posts (and indeed Free Republic generally).
DeleteAs for the Tea Party people weren't crazy, I agree. There were some crazy signs and speeches, but that's protected speech, which I support unconditionally (though I also support my right to find humor in it.)
I take solace in the fact that liberal provocateurs do a disservice to their cause by discrediting any legitimate troublemakers.
Feel free to feel sorry for me, I find myself pretty happy and fulfilled, and hope you do too. We find our bliss in different cases, I suppose.
We begged people to infiltrate Tea Parties to make them look crazy? I think they were doing a good job of that on their own. The founder of one of the Tea Party groups had a misspelled racist sign at one of the rallies. Maybe you have a video or two of liberals infiltrating Tea Parties, but even if you do, it doesn't compare to what we were already seeing and have been seeing from the right ever since.
DeleteAlso, like Ozy, I am pretty happy with my life and have no need for your pity.
I'm not sure what was said in the Anonymous comment that was deleted, but there is a certain condescending tone in some of the other ones. Like NGZ couldn't possibly be happy in her life unless she has a man in it? Women who are single and in their 40's couldn't possibly have other interests, a career or friends they are just sad and miserable if they don't have a man to make it complete? Give me a break.
ReplyDeleteAnd for the record this is coming from a guy who would disagree with NGZ on pretty much everything else, but she is right the dating scene CAN be miserable for some.
I don't see that, myself. One person said they don't believe she is happy being alone because she posts a lot on Friday and Saturday nights (kind of indicates she likes human interaction, no?). I merely made the observation that she might be happier and calmer if she got laid once in a while with no mention of which gender or even the need for a long-term relationship.
DeleteYou do have something of a point about the nature of some of the comments. We are not telepaths; we cannot know how she feels.
DeleteThough I will say that between her devotion to her cats and her constant declarations that she is totally happy, she certainly seems quite a character.
NoGrayZone is one of quite a few freepers (men and women) who are single, celibate, and middle aged (paper doll is another).
ReplyDeleteSomewhere in their posting histories is usually at least one diatribe about how no one they ever met (or dated) can match their conservatism or christian holiness, thus they're "happier" in their solitude.
And, as NGZ mentioned above, many of them are estranged from at least some of their family.
You have summed it up quite well. There is a staggering number of never married, middle aged freepers and even more divorced freepers whose strict political and religious stance has either made them undateable or divorced-their spouses could no longer stand to be with them and their rantings.
DeleteI was the poster who made the comments about NGZ and I do really feel sorry for her. She is very attractive(the picture above does not do her justice) but her strict religious and conservative stance I would say makes most prospective mates run like the wind from her. Politics and religion consume her life..such a waste. NGZ and other posters like her will one day wake up, old and finally figure that all their political rantings did not mean sh*t...NGZ should be out cuddling with a guy and having some fun in her life..but maybe she get's her enjoyment from being miserable??
One poster who really cracks me up is "nowhereman" He is 46 years old, never married, owns cats, ham operator and lives with his mom and has a crappy job and said he will never date a liberal woman.
DeleteI almost told him..dude, based upon your "credentials" you had better take what you can get at this point.. lol.
Isn't there a freeperz singles forum?
ReplyDeleteI can't help thinking of the annoying scoldy organ-playing neighbor in Edward Scissorhands played by O-Lan Jones.