This guy...He's actually really hard to spotlight, since he posts so voluminously that any good crazy is lost. As I write this, he's posting dozens of cat gifs to some random thread. Yesterday it was pics and analysis of Korean lunches. I actually had to do a lot of searching to find the posts below.
His profile has some sovereign individual BS and a binch of gifs. He starts out by noting that he was banned from "Free Dominion" for posting about child porn.
Which is another of his things. Child porn and child sexuality are all over his reality. And he HATES them with an obsessive passion that can only come from lust. Dude has issues. Scary issues. From his posting frequency to his hatred of 'sluts' he worries me. Even his cat posts reveal an obsession that makes them creepy.
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His profile has some sovereign individual BS and a binch of gifs. He starts out by noting that he was banned from "Free Dominion" for posting about child porn.
Which is another of his things. Child porn and child sexuality are all over his reality. And he HATES them with an obsessive passion that can only come from lust. Dude has issues. Scary issues. From his posting frequency to his hatred of 'sluts' he worries me. Even his cat posts reveal an obsession that makes them creepy.
Sex in school:
Schools start with 11 year old kids and tell them its okay to have random sex, its a mandatory course, printing uut a route to the nearest abortion clinic is the first thing they are taught,What kind of sex? Slutty sex!!
with this perverted media we have today and schools “sex ed” class encouraging them to have rampant, unfettered slutty sex, yes we should be worried.Kate Upton? Whore.
I have zero respect for people who strip for the camera, I consider them prostitutesGlee? Full of offensive storylines he makes up in his head.
a [Glee] storyline you cite as being offensive never even happened. So I was wanting to know what episodes you had watched, if any.The Catholic Church pedophiles, though? They're off the hook.
all of them are offensive
The biggest difference is that a church has a very limited pool of victims while government can do whatever it wants, who is going to arrest the government?No media is as conservative as GeronL demands!
The problem is that there is no conservative TV media in this country at all. There never will be either.No apologies!
anyone who apoligizes is OUT!If only people knew the REAL science.
The majority have been brainwashed to reject basic scientific and biological facts.Women in the military has ruined everything:
the US military is officially over, eventuallyGay people keep raping his mind!
No one would know they were gay if they weren’t in peoples faces about it and shoving it down their throats.Straight perverts!!
Gay activists are some of the most evil and vile people you would ever care to meet. I can't tell you how many times that have said to, “Fu!k your God.” When the Scriptures talk about God giving homosexuals over to a debased mind, He wasn't exaggerating.His hypothetical parenting plan:
You know what, I think the minds of a lot of the straight perverts are the same way.
I have never liked parties so I wouldn’t know. I also have never seen a flyer for a party.He's never liked parties. Shocking.
If I had kids, I would tell them when they are old enough to have sex, they have to move out.
And, finally, his reaction to Freepers laughing off Santorum's war on porn:
Always amazing how many Freepers have no problem with kiddie porn
I hope that if he ever has kids that they put him in a nursing home that makes Auschwitz look like Six Flags.
ReplyDelete10 bucks says he has gigs of CP stashed somewhere
By the way, Ozy, you're a lying little fuck. In your little intro, you said:
Delete"His profile has some sovereign individual BS and a binch of gifs. He starts out by noting that he was banned from 'Free Dominion' for posting about child porn."
Geronl's profile on FR actually reads:
"I still can't believe I was banned from and because I opposed kiddie porn and abortion. So much for their being 'conservative forums' ".
Slander much ?
I hope he sues the shit out of you.
Wow, it's actually worse than what ozy wrote. And you're defending this guy, anonymous comedian?
DeleteHis Youtube history is mostly videos of 12-16 year old Korean girl bands and very young Korean girl actors..this guy is 40+ year old. Another is of a Korean video of nothing but young Korean children being tucked into bed-one after another-sickening...guy has major issues.
ReplyDeleteAs Ozy said so much nuttiness way too much to post..
So GeronL...Kate Upton is a a jezebel damned to hell but it's ago to lust after sexily clad Korean singers and actresses? Just checkin'
Geronl has an obsession with kiddie porn on every site he is is a comment from another poster on the forum Gold Talk
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Looking at too many of your posts you seem to be obsessed with child porn, molestation and just about anything to do with sex. In this thread you post a story which says nothing about Libertarians, but you have to throw in a slam. You repeatedly refer to California as Kalipornia. Is that because you think it is a Libertarian haven that pushes all kind of porn? I guess you are a liberal and can't tell the difference. You think because they both have "liber" in their name, they are the same.
Sort of like the pot calling the tea kettle "black", is the reason you are obsessed with child sexual issues that you are one of those molesters?
Link to above comment..
Geronl claims never to watch "libutard, celebutard, hollywoodtard (his words) TV and movies but strangely he know every single sex scene in every movie and tv series
there was Mtv’s “Skins” for one but I didn’t mean on TV in particular. There was filming of an ICarley episode where the girl “Sam” was topless and she was REALLY topless (and she was about 15)
It doesn’t have to show anything being inserted to be porn. But there was a Sex & City episode where there was a female ejaculation and the squirt was shown.
HBO also has “Real Sex” and some show about a brothel and they do show real sex being engaged in.
The problem is that our culture has sexualized kids to the point where a documentary about “Sex in America” showing a 13 year old girl looking for a “hookup” online doesn’t even raise an eyebrow.
Those who think nudity on TV isn’t part of the problem are missing the picture.
55 posted on Monday, April 01, 2013 6:58:36 PM by GeronL (
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Lastly, Geronl claiming he searches the most bizzare stuff on his words: women spanking young boys, gay teens in Brazil, "preteen swingers"..but get this..drumroll..he claims he does not click on the links after doing the search.
GeronL searched for porn online, but he didn't inhale. I love how that thread turns into a discussion on Hay. I got the feeling that the posters were thinking WTF!!!!
ReplyDeletelittle jeremiah sure loves GeronL ...
ReplyDeleteno surprise there.
a Sex & City episode where there was a female ejaculation and the squirt was shown.
ReplyDelete"I watched it several dozen times to make sure I wasn't seeing things."
You know this guy will be denounced as "a liberal mole" by fellow FReepers once the Feds finally bust him for CP.
--- And as a reason for all the Kiddie porn on his PC ; it was for "research" purposes only -- how many times have we heard that
DeleteBetween his constant raging/lusting about child porn and the evil, slutty, whorish American women and television shows, and his obsession with teenage Korean girls (who are presumably much more demure, respectful, and eager to allow ugly fat white guys to dominate them), the fact that Geronl is actually welcome in Freepland is probably the most damning thing I can say about the site. The guy is clearly mentally deranged and treading on the line to being dangerous, but at Freep he's welcomed with open arms.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if GeronL watched the movie Se7en, and identified with John Doe, the Kevin Spacey character.
ReplyDeleteFreepers don't like Martin/Zimmerman mural in the state capital, create racist photoshops based on the Asian name of the artist who created the mural, but use the face of the Breitbart author of the article rather than the actual artist.
I love the idea of Mr. "All You Libs Fuck Your Mom in the Ass" getting all teary-eyed about "slander." I'll say this for FR's perverts and sexual cripples; you sure do stick together.
ReplyDeleteAnd you can rest assured that your pal GeronL is not gonna be suing anyone. The last thing he wants is official attention that may lead to someone discovering the shoeboxes full of jizz-spattered Korean CP under his filthy mattress (aka Ol' Yeller).
They couldn't even get the artist right? Wow.....and the victim of their racist hate is another conservative. SMH. I also love the speculation that Trayvon may have been some type of occult/antichrist figure and that Zimmerman saved the world from his eventual world domination.
ReplyDeleteIt’s the devil I say. Seriously. It would be a fascinating story to try to delve into what kind of occult or demonic connections Trayvon may have had. This is not a furor that a garden variety punk can generate.
20 posted on Friday, August 9, 2013 11:33:51 PM by HiTech RedNeck (The Lion of Judah will roar again if you give him a big hug and mean it. See my page.)
ha ha FR sexual cripples..about sums it up..never seen such a bunch of sexually dysfunctional people..old maid spinster cat ladys' bitching about people having a little sex fun, virgin 40+ year old males (geronl, fwdude)bitching about people having a little fun-they are just plain envious and jealous but use religion as cover to mask it..
ReplyDeleteOf all the people most are nuts on FR and I can get by their mental quirks like savagesusie but guys like geronl just make my skin crawl and I am a guy.
Never has this happened to me since I started to surf the web since 1997 and I doubt it has not happened to anyone else either..
ReplyDeleteThis is on a pedofile thread on FR
I once came across a forum/website that had small pics of babies outside, kids barely able to stand up, and underneath a short description... seriously I thought it was like Auto Trader for babies.
I was just following links from one site to another, just seeing where they went.
I got out fast and gave a link to the FBI tip line webpage.
That was probably a decade ago too
45 posted on Saturday, August 10, 2013 5:07:26 PM by GeronL
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To be the creepiest guy on Free Republic sure is an accomplishment.
ReplyDeleteGeronL knows everything about sex and its consequences. Especially ultrasounds.