Bush looks goofy. Obama looks less goofy. Freepers? They look goofy trying to pile on Obama after defending Bush:
bushfamfan sees what this means.
Mr. Uh-bama is [the media's] precious and they will do everything to protect him. But it is obvious what an incompetent it is.
Lancey Howard agrees:
Wow, that simple child is freaking lost.
This nation deserves exactly the scum it elects. Goodbye, America.
This fits my narrative, so I'm taking it as conclusive proof of my narrative!
I'm guessing hosepipe is not a fan of the negroes. And I'll bet he's not sure about the Irish...
Was O’bama trying to rob the White House the ghetto way?..
Uh, oh. MissDairyGoodnessVT is off her meds again.
WTF?and to think I almost believed a Chief Justice flubbing the oath of office for POTUS and his Oilyness with his hand on the Lincoln Bible and then having to re-take the oath of officein private as POTUS WITHOUT the Bible! I toldja, toldja toldja he could not swear in his heart to put his hand on a Bible because he doesn’t believe.The Bible should have caught fire.
fieldmarshaldj wants us to please think of the victim in all of this:
Oh, that photographer may end up like the “journalist” that tossed the shoe at Dubya.
So this paparazzi is a photographer, while shoe-thrower gets the "quotes."
Rob the white house? But it's his own house now.
ReplyDeleteAnd what is "the ghetto way" to rob a house? Maybe I have too little experience of a genuine crime-ridden ghetto, but I assumed breaking and entering was the same wherever - get in, grab as much stuff as possible, leave without anyone catching you. Is there a "non-ghetto" way to rob a house? Perhaps he's thinking of Raffles the Gentleman Thief.
The non-ghetto way to rob a house is to get Congress to give you a multi 100 billion dollar bailout, and then get bonuses totaling 18.4 billion dollars in 2008.