Freepers respond to above in typically hysterical fashion:
albie uses exaggeration, I think
Why all the American flags? Guess he’ll wait until Jan 21 to replace them with the BO circle of “hope” insignia. God help us!:
If it's exageration, then why the "God help us?"
Batman11 goes for some lighthearted ribbing of Michelle Obama
“That’s not true Michelle, we were not making fun of your big butt as you left the room.”
Snap! The best part is how he made fun of Michelle Obama's butt when she isn't in the picture AND doesn't have a big butt! Amazing!
knarf sees a conspiracy:
"Yes, Rahm is still alive. Now, excuse us while we inform him of his next undisclosed secret location, where he will remain until our Chicago friends take care of Fitzgerald."
Make no mistake .. Fitzgerald is part of the team.
Eva takes the above and runs with it:
It’s Soros and William Ayers. These two have been working very hard. I was posting about the economic crisis being and October surprise, directed by Soros and precipitated by Schumer that got a little out of hand. The fact that Soros and a small handful of other big Dem. donors bailed out IndyMac is a good indication that IndyMac was sacrificed to start this mess.
Someone posted to me that Soros carried out exactly the same scam in Thailand a while back. (from Thailand)
Man what?
Hands in the cookie jar.
The eye’s reveal,they are guilty.
This eye thing comes up a lot in pics of Dems. Freeprs love to say "the eyes of a liar" or "look at his eyes - dead inside." etc. etc.
William Ayers has ENORMOUS influence in the financial sector