Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday potpourri.

Another tenfer this week:

answers the question everyone wanted answered:

Why do people listen to Rush Limbaugh???

Because they want to hear the unbelmished truth and make up their own mind of what to believe or disbelieve without the filter of a government slanted propgandist from so called mainstream media

Is it any wonder Fox News has some trouble distinguishing between news and opinion?

HuntsvilleTxVeteran reacts to that Chamber of Commerce hoax as one might expect:
The Chambers of Commerce are a leftest NGO supported by tax money.

Paige wants us all to be very afraid:
There are enemies within layered throughout our Government. Are they ‘all’ being watched? In fact, Obama doesn't have security clearance like other presidents have had, so, until ‘all’ are held accountable I'll not appauld the DOJ on this one. Most of all, I find this rather hypocritical.
I like the Obama doesn't have security clearance like other presidents idea. It's new, but it has that resonance with crazy people. I expect to see more of it in the future.

has Obama totally pegged:
Obama is dumb and incompetent, but he is going full bore to destroy the country.

I think you can add to Communism two other components: Islam and racism.

Obama grew up a Muslim and probably still is Muslim, though no one can know what goes on inside someone else’s head. He is certainly much more sympathetic to Islam than to Christianity, and he hates Jews.

Obama also grew up thinking of himself as some sort of black African freedom fighter, and he hates colonialism—which means the U.S. and all the white European nations. He hates the U.S., he hates Canada, he hates England, he hates France, because he holds them accountable for colonizing and enslaving Africa. Never mind that it was the Muslims who were doing the slaving—including Obama’s own ancestors. He has sucked up all the Communist propaganda, and his ambition is to wreck the Christian/Western world. The civilized world, as most of us think of it.

Whether he was born in Kenya or Africa, he thinks of himself as a MauMau like his ancestors. He and Bill Ayers said as much in “Dreams from My Father.” Never mind that his black father abandoned him. His white mother abandoned him, too, but he is determined to realize their dreams of destroying the white colonialists.

And so all villains are one, in Obama.

july4thfreedomfoundation has a "friend"

A friend of my neighbor was pissed off at the government, so he didn’t file a tax return for 13 YEARS! And, lo and behold, the guy got away with it.

This guy recently started to pay taxes again, but my neighbor told me that his friend is pissed off at the government again and plans to stop filling his taxes once again.

I admire his spunk!

This must make Tim Geitner some sort of Champion!

Terry Mross
agrees with Lois Farrakhan that the H1N1 vaccine is a plan to depopulate the US.

He might be right. My wife and were talking about this earlier. The government run media puts out that hundreds of thousands have taken the shot with no bad outcome. Then we all take it and starting dropping like flies. And remember, the media will put out anything the WH tells them to put out. At this point in time I don’t trust anything coming from the government. In fact, I think it would be safe to do the opposite of what the gubmint suggests.

When you find you agree with Farrakhan, you might want to check yourself.

chris_bdba has an interesting version of history where Bush won in Afghanistan.

Hey dumb@$$ Gibby! Bush and Chaney won that war [Afghanistan] long ago and it was your side that demanded we turn it over the the international forces, some of us do remember what went on!

Yeah, NATO totally ruined everything!

driftless2 tells how dems are mindless automatons. Which is why health care has totally passed already.

If the Dem Party told my three lib sisters to go dip their heads in a bucket of hot wax and then spin around while singing “I’m a little teapot”, they’d do it. There is absolutely nothing the Dem Party does that makes them change their party affiliation. Not Al Sharpton being a race-baiting scoundrel, not Michael Moore being a fraud and a liar, not Dem congressmen going to Iraq and speaking with Saddam Hussein, nothing. Nothing makes them question their loyalty to the Donkey Party. Ditto for my socially conservative, elderly parents who think FDR is still running the country. Maybe he is.

faucetman on Orly Taitz. the Hero:
Orly's sites have been attacked many times. I think she is on her 5th new site. You can get redirects and 404 messages & Google warnings, but I check there 20 or more times a day and have never had it infect my computer. I ignore all those warnings because I WILL NOT BE AFRAID. Orly is risking her LIFE, I will risk a virus. So far it has been an empty threat.
Get those viruses for America!

lentulusgracchus on Obama, the KGB mole:
His reasons may be multifarious -- the KGB worked fulltime to give lots of different people lots of different reasons to take The Job and work for Communism -- but he is on The Job, and his goal is our ruin, and possibly genocide. So said Bill Ayers, and he has never taken that statement off the table, like squishes like Joan Baez and Jane Fonda.

Ayers and Obama are hardcore -- I can see it in Obama's eyes sometimes, he occasionally gets this mean-and-nasty look. He won't pull a trigger, but he'll have no trouble giving the order when the time comes. His narcissism will allow it.
Secret insight into Obama through his eyes. Unassailable!


  1. Yes, Obama is totally a KGB mole. All that's needed to prove it is for someone to utter the phrase, "Gosh, that Italian family at the next table sure is quiet," and he will become activated and begin his nefarious plan to destroy America.

    And I liked the part where Cicero said, "Whether he was born in Kenya or Africa..." I had no idea that Kenya was not a part of Africa.

  2. See, in their need for a black-and-white world with only 1 type of bad-guy, Freepers have an answer for all of that. Commies and racists get along cause reparations are a common ground. Commies and fascists get along cause Jonah Goldberg wrote Liberal Fascism. And Muslims and Nazis had a secret compact or something in WW-2.

  3. they still have to figure out how to make muslims the same as communist though !
