Wednesday, October 28, 2009

War,,,Huh! Good God, yall!

Freepers suddenly become doves:

My Favorite Headache

Roadside bombs today killed eight U.S. service members in Afghanistan, the military said.

more blood on obama’s hands

I'll wager Bush' hands are clean by this poster's reckoning.


Obama’s lack of leadership has killed American troops.

There is NO doubt.

Bush super-manly leadership, on the other hand....

Marty62 sounds a lot like Code Pink
Our young people are NOT expendable...PERIOD.
Wild Irish Rogue just comes out and says it:
My wife, her sister, my sister, my daughter in law and a good friend’s wife
( who just had her first baby ) are going through the same thing because they have a son or husband in Afghanistan.
This is the first deployment at our house, but, the second and in one case, the third deployment for the others .
The women are having an unusually tough time and the fathers are furious.
Unlike the previous deployments.
And it all goes to the fact that none of us trust Barry .
We trusted George Bush.
Hey, now, you go to war with the Commander in Chief you have, not the one you wish you had!


That is the plan, once enough boys are slaughtered he will surrender, he want us embarrassed, and morale crushed...”

The plan of islam being fulfilled. What a SOB he is.
He feels no remorse or obligation since those dying are just infidels; enemies of islam.

Huh. I guess Bush was in on the plan as well,. starting all the policies Obama is continuing?

doesn't seem happy:

F__kin Bast@rd 0bozo, you frikkin commie pig usurper. I hate him with a passion!!! Lyin’ POS traitor. Loves to see our troops butchered by his fellow muzzie brothers. 0bozo will rot for eternity in hell someday!!!

And just like that, Freepers are now all against the war in Afganistan. I wonder if we'll see them in the streets soon, or if even they realize such hypocrisy would not play well to all the fake Americans out there.

1 comment:

  1. if obama stays in afghanistan, he is obviously doing so to kill american soldiers, and obviously if he leaves he is surrendering to al-qaeda. On the otherhand if Palin was in office, if she stays in Afghanistan that is becomes she is fighting terrorism and if she leaves she is saving american soldiers lives.
