Thursday, December 31, 2009

Can Conservatives be friends with Liberals?

The answer is really no surprise.

NMEwithin notes offhand:
Whenever I have tried to explain to my liberal friends how much their liberty has been compromised and how much of their freedom is being threatened...they look at me like I have two heads and then start babbling about Bush.
Scotsman will be Free takes exception:
Sorry, but that’s part of the problem right there. Why are you friends with the enemy? Do you really think that they will do diddly squat for you when the brownshirts come to take you or your firearms? Do you?

Unfortunately I have little choice...I live in Rhode Island so I am basically behind enemy lines.

But Scotsman will be Free brooks no excuses:

I hear you, but as for me, I’d rather live in solitude than fraternize with the scum.
There have got to be conservatives up there. Keep looking, and good luck.

And then later has the diagnosis:
Most Liberals are so because of a genetic defect. The rest were made that way, and may(I say may)be changed. The genetic liberals are unable to comprehend conservative thought. You may as well be speaking martian to them. While you are trying to reason with them in a language they do not understand about concepts they can not grasp, they are putting into effect their plan to put you into a re-education camp.
There is no point in discussing anything with them. They are like the terminator. They will not compromise, they will not stop and they have no positive thoughts towards conservatives.
This is the second time I've seen the genetic defect meme. What about intelligent design?


  1. "Most liberals are so because of a genetic defect"

    Wow, this takes the prize for craziest statment of my day award. What exactly is this genetic defect?

  2. The "genetic defect" meme is a common one on Free Republic. It's their excuse for not being able to grasp why liberals think the way they do or accept that some people just have different points of view than them. They think that if people would just become "smart" like they are, that they would be conservatives. And yes, I realize that there are liberals who are the same way about conservatives.
