Friday, December 25, 2009

How are liberals formed?

To follow up how Freepers view Conservatism, here is a thread on how they view liberalsim:


Put simply, libtards believe “Man is basically good.” (Paraphrasing) Jesus said, “All the evil in the world comes from the heart of man.” Who do you believe?

But Yardstick disagrees:
Actually liberals think man is fallen and doomed. The only hope they see is in putting massive power in the hands of the state to coerce people into behaving. Liberals believe big liberal-run government is good, not Man.
SupplySider doesn't bother with liberals and human nature, since he has faith:
From a religious point of view, conservatism grounded in Judaeo-Christian values accepts life as a divine gift, and men as created in the image of God. This implies that free men can aspire to life in accord with Natural law, God-given law. Atheistic communism assumes none of this, and treats men essentially as animals, requiring domination and control.

I think the Christian precept of original sin also gives conservatives a healthy scepticism of human made laws, unlike "liberals" who seem prone to recognizing no limits on their governmental impositions. See Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao, et al.
Gilbo_3 just knows libs are evil:

some liberals are naive, but most are purely evil and use that hopeychangy thing to amass power, simplistic in an evil sort of way...

kill the weak and embolden the murderers around the world to wield the axe of compliance to their tyranical ambitions...period...
Skywalk just kinda mashes everything above into one crazy bundle:

It’s a bit more complicated than that. As I read through Liberal Fascism, it’s becoming clear that some people are simply “bored” with life and need to be part of an emotional and religious movement, except that they have replaced God with the State (though plenty of earlier Progressives were theocratic, like Woody Wilson.)

Then there’s the whole desire to dominate and shape the world (and people) around them, which unites both progressive ‘liberal’ and communist. I would actually suggest that progressive libs, fascists and commies don’t really believe that people are ‘good’ but they have an unyielding faith in their ability to MAKE people good. And they only believe in collectivism to accomplish this because otherwise there are those who exist outside the State (or whatever is forcing people to work as an organic political entity with one will) and that undermines their idea of a unanimous society.

People must remember that one of the main goals of Marxist theory in its application was that man would no longer need to worry about working to survive, we would have total control over our environment, nature and that somehow (never makes sense) our wishes would then conform with the overall general interest of our fellows.

The left and some in the right(though very few) have succumbed to the notion that individualism is base or unenlightened and that freedom isn’t you being left alone but you having the “resources” or knowledge to express and live fully (who knows what this actually means, because you never really see it lived out—it’s a religion, again—who can describe Heaven?)

Yeah, that's Marxism for you: no need to worry about working!

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