Monday, March 14, 2011

Congressman Ellison is a secret Jihadi

Predictable, but I cannot look away. Freepers respond to Ellison's testimony:

Ghost of Philip Marlowe is sure all Muslims lie, so Ellison is no different:

Keith Ellison was sworn in using a textbook that specifically teaches its adherents TO LIE if it promotes the TYRANNICAL goal of SHARIA LAW OVER ALL THE WORLD.

Never trust a communist.
Never trust an Islamofascist.
Flintlock thinks the cover up of Muzzie evil is going to snap and then the counter-Jihad will be on!
Is is just me, or is all this Muzzie coverup crap starting to wear a bit thin?
Izz our sheeple STARTING to wake up?
Just asking.

As for our “leaders”, FAAGEDDABAATITT.
PIF is a Koranic scholar, or at least he plays on on the internet:

Back in 620 or so Muhammad ibnAbdullah declared the first given half of the koran - includes 5:32 - invalid, and the second given half as the only words of allah to be followed. The first given half is referred to as the peaceful koran, the second given half as the jihad koran.
Which is why all of Ellison's remarks are taqiyya. As are all claims by anyone that islam needs to be reformed - something specifically forbidden by Muhammad ibnAbdullah.
CPOSharky has some question for all Muslims:

Just ask them to explain honor killings, burkas, stoneings, beheadings etc...

Yes, Freepers think that all Muslims are just waitint to do this:

For my money, all lefties practice taqqiya.

1 comment:

  1. How convenient the word "taqiyya" is. It allows them the perfect excuse to never trust a single word a Muslim person ever says.
