Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cain apoligizes to Muslims

Herman Cain tries to walk back his anti-Muslim craziness so Freepers disown him for lack of craziness:

PetroniusMaximus has the best typo/Freudian slip:

Are there no butt-kissers left in the world?

See, the 'k' key is nowhere near the 's' key...

But down to business.

GeronL has strict stnadards:

anyone who apoligizes is OUT!

Politicians who act politic are awful!

wtd thinks Cain is a Muzzie-lover.

Better to Cain reveal his weakness towards Muslim sensitivities is unveiled
now rather than after a nomination or election into presidential capacity.
icwhatudo knows the gays are next:

First he will hire homosexuals in his administration, now this.
I’m done with him.
onedoug keeps hope alive:

As her entrance gets less and less likely, comments like this get more and more crazy.

1 comment:

  1. No Cain and Abel betrayal references?

    And sometimes they're so quick to make things all Biblical... I'm not sure whether to be proud or disappointed.
