Like most high-quality Freeper rage-artists, I cannot tell where the performance ends and the crazy begins. He doesn't post so often, but he really loves to dehumanize liberals! Also, all of his posts are accompanied with a signature including a pic of a viking:

Liberals' spiritual deficit means they need to be wiped out:
One way or the other, the 'progressive' elites are spiritually barren. We can debate the why's and wherefore's after they've been vanquished from the continent.It's not fair Hollywood actors are paid well while Obama forces oldsters to work minimum wage jobs:
That's why I don't bother with the latest Hollywood 'blockbusters' starring their pimped, pampered, pretty media whores. Let him and his get jobs paying $12 an hour and work their way up.Man, those liberals are all sheep!
Oops. I forgot. It's the 'spread the wealth' Obamaconomy. Those jobs are being scrambled for by 50 year old farts with real skills, like me.
Liberals would vote for a dog-chewed sack of 1,000 year old monkey bones carrying the Black Plague - and scatter them over a Kansas cornfield - if it the ends suited their means. These freaks aren't even a part of our species anymoreNot optimistic about America:
I honestly don't see a true American Restoration that'll manifest itself out of the smoke and fog this time. I just honestly don't. I wish I could. liberal dehumanization:
I have always championed the theory that some people exist without what we would call an immortal soul. Whether they were born without it, knowingly sacrificed it for some temporary carnal satisfaction, or let it rot away from within one bit at a time, they don't have one. The how and why perhaps shall always be a matter of debate; the empirical fact of the matter is not.It's rough waiting for all the liberals to die!
It's OK. These freaks will in ALL burn in Hell, sooner rather than later.Not a fan of low information voters, cause they listen to Obama:
But I'm getting impatient, too.
And lo-fo's actually still listen to the raw sewage puking forth from the septic flange on top of this traitor's shoulders. Woe be it unto them when the pendulum starts it's inevitable downward return swing.Often angry, rarely in motion:
My bile level has finally reached flood stage, and my bullshit meter has broken it's needle. My self-enforced levee of human civility has been breached. Enough is e-gaddamn-nough! I do NOT suffer tyrants gladly.His wife loves cats:
My wife now has five.Some pre-election fun!
Want one?
It's going to be an interesting Tuesday evening, watching this puddle of Leftist vomit slowly come to the realization that Black Jesus has been given the bum's rush by the electorate. His drooling, screaming, and hyperventilating will earn a permanent YouTube bookmark in my browser.
Ah the sad sad tears of impotent rage from the internet nobodies who populate FR these days.
ReplyDeleteHeya, OW! Blessings on you and yours!
DeleteBahaha, I was waiting for you to get around to this guy.
ReplyDeleteI would guess that Viking2002 tends to look like his avatar pic, except with fat and blubber where all the muscles would be.
DeleteHere is the typical lies and mistruths in freeperland. I work in the health care field..can't believe FR poster cyber ant even posted this crap as it is totally untrue.. but they it's anti obama so no one will say a word.
ReplyDeleteCyber ants comment:
Well .. just to add to the headaches, my sister just called to tell me that when you reach 76, you are no longer eigible for CANCER TREATMENT.
42 posted on Friday, March 22, 2013 4:33:21 PM by CyberAnt ("America is the greatest nation on the face of the earth" (in spite of BO))
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I live in the UK, and am really glad they think the NHS sucks (even though it's miles ahead of the crap system I endured when living in America ) so that they'll stay the hell out of the UK.
DeleteJapan: Five to ten years for black on blonde murder.
The poster, Prolixus, has been a member of Free Republic for 10 years. Surely he knows it's against the rules to change the headline of a news article.
Black on blonde?
Look, they changed the headline. LOL.
DeleteBunch of out right racist comments on that link LOL and freeps say they are not racist.
ReplyDeletethe empirical fact of the matter is not.
ReplyDeleteThis tough guy may want to double-check the definition of "empirical."