Saturday, March 8, 2014

Saturday Pix

I don't think gaydar works that way...
That Obama, always moving his tongue!
This comes from an entire thread of Putin-love pix.
Its the random audience blinking that makes it.
Haw haw half white!
This...seems awesome actually.
With Spring come the Obama can't stop golfing jokes again!


  1. Obama has been humiliated on the world stage.

  2. Compare to the average freeper, Putin is in pretty OK shape (well, at least not 100 lbs overweight ... and white).

    That's why they slobber over him, freeper women and freeper men both (and our own anon1 and the various comedian Cluck Bucket Anonymous freepers here).

    1. Which is funny, since if you go back a few years ago or say, Freepers hated him.

  3. Matt Bracken (creator of SAYGAMIC, author of Enemies Foreign and Domestic novels, posts on FR as travis mcgee) seems to be getting weirder and weirder.

    Surely he should know that SAYGAMIC doesn't make any sense, and isn't at all catchy, right?

    1. Maybe he should invent a straight-dar ray that will correct his gay kids after they go awry. Because gay/straight laser beams are totally plausible.

  4. Doh, I just figured out it's an acronym. A completely stoupid acronym.

  5. Hardeeharrharr, Alfred.

    But seriously, you Republicans need to be working now to find someone you can elect next time. I suggest Sarah Palin. Go with that. She will win in a landslide.

  6. Freeps hate on cosmos cuz Obama why else.

    1. Thanks for the link.

      When Freepers do things like this it just seems so odd...

      Oh well, I guess Freepers are watching Doomsday Preppers or something like that anyway. They are not intellectually curious people.

    2. Please, freepers would hate on Cosmos anyway because:

      1) someone might suggest the cosmos are more than 6,000 years old,

      2) someone might suggest earth is not the center of the universe, and

      3) every freeper knows that a black guy couldn't be an astrophysicist without affirmative action black racism !!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Freepers hostile to a science program? Before it's even been aired? What a shock.
